Dial Up. Yeah I know the sound and I know the time it took to load anything with. But it’s something I won’t ever miss having. I would much rather be on a 1MB connection if I had to choose between that or dial up ever again. I also hated how easy it was to be kicked off, if anyone called the phone, you were off it in seconds.

  • TechyDad@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I always loved the school part of school (well, except for gym class). It’s everything else I hated. Especially between classes when a group of bullies would follow me making my life a living hell. If I had been able to compress my school day into just classes without gym class or any “between class” time, I would have enjoyed it more.

    Instead, I mainly remember getting more and more paranoid that anyone who was laughing was laughing at me - all because my bullies thought it was fun to torment me.