Dial Up. Yeah I know the sound and I know the time it took to load anything with. But it’s something I won’t ever miss having. I would much rather be on a 1MB connection if I had to choose between that or dial up ever again. I also hated how easy it was to be kicked off, if anyone called the phone, you were off it in seconds.

  • TheInsane42@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Dutch summers: Tempratures averaging around 20C, tops at 25C overcast 50% of the days, rain (drizzles)… loved it. Better then average around 30C, tops at 40C+, no rain for months and clear skies all around.

    Duckhunt: Unplayable on non-CRT. Gave the Nintendo with th gun and game to a friend which bought my last CRT.

    Corona: Not the pandamenic, but everything else, the quiet, not being allowed to go to the office,… finally quiet and peace, no enforced social non-sense that all extroverts can’t live without. (The beer as well, miss it)