For example, a band like Joy Division. Two masterpiece albums in the form of Unknown Pleasures and Closer, and the untimely death of Ian Curtis cut it all short. They were even heading into the direction that New Order eventually went in, and it would have been interesting to see what Ian Curtis would have done if they fully made the leap into electronic music while he was still alive.

    1 year ago

    I felt like the first line up of Public Image Limited that split up after Metal Box could have done at least one more great album with Wobble’s bass and Levene’s guitar - instead it all fell apart after that and became the John Lydon show.

    The Manic Street Preachers had just hit their stride with The Holy Bible album when Richey Edwards disappeared. It was devastating all round when he went. They did great stuff after but I always wondered what direction they would have gone in if he had still been with them because his lyrics were the ones I found most interesting