This is a very softball question, it is not being asked for some legitimate purpose.

It’s mainly asked as a platform of sorts that serves by being asked so people can answer in the form of reasons for why we loathe advertisements and commercials in general.

My answer is that we don’t like to be marketed to, especially from companies of which we don’t have a single ounce of interest of doing business with. “BUY! SUBSCRIBE! BUY! SUBSCRIBE!” is regularly chanted loudly from any company that pours millions down the drain to make 10 second ~ 1 minute ads of dramatic theatrics of a product we can live without.

And a lot of their ‘research’ or lack thereof, of their product is obviously fabricated to get people to buy. That’s the primary goal, is to get people to buy or subscribe by any means necessary.

Makes me wonder a lot of the time, why we aren’t attacking marketers and salespeople more often. I swear if we all focused on a week or a month by breaking the kneecaps of any salesperson or marketing agent while tormenting their families through harassment because of all of the years they’ve harassed us and fucked with us by relentless advertising.

I bet this shit would slow the fuck down.

    4 months ago

    Why do we hate commercials and advertisements?

    In marketing principles, there are about 20 methods used in advertising, heres a good list and explanation of each:

    Most of these are manipulative to the audience by creating a need where one didn’t exist, then providing the product to fill that need. Of these only three can be used ethically without manipulation:

    • Plain Appeal
    • Rational Appeal
    • Statistics Appeal

    However even THESE can be misused and distorted in an effort to sell a product.

    In short, nearly all modern advertising lacks honesty.

    My answer is that we don’t like to be marketed to, especially from companies of which we don’t have a single ounce of interest of doing business with.

    Those businesses would actually prefer not marketing to you either. There’s a saying in marketing “I know I’m wasting have my money on advertising. I just don’t know which half”. If you’re being marketed to for a product or service you’re not a candidate to consume, thats wasted money for the advertiser. This is one of the reasons that Facebook and Google are so valuable as advertising platforms. They have access to VERY DETAILED information on what does interest you, and advertisers desperately want to reach you with their appeals to their product or service.

    Makes me wonder a lot of the time, why we aren’t attacking marketers and salespeople more often. I swear if we all focused on a week or a month by breaking the kneecaps of any salesperson or marketing agent while tormenting their families through harassment because of all of the years they’ve harassed us and fucked with us by relentless advertising.

    Are you actually suggesting bodily violence against people working in advertising or sales?! That is wildly inappropriate if nothing else just based upon basic human rights most nations recognize as “free speech”, such as the USA Constitution’s 1st amendment.