Too many “what got cancelled too soon” questions, what’s a show that went on too long?

Hard mode: no The Walking Dead

    1 year ago

    I was looking for someone else to mention Futurama. The new season is just so mediocre. You hit the nail on the head, they’re leaning so hard on social commentary but most of the references are already dated (Bitcoin mining, lol) and in general it’s just rather cringey. I’ve yet to hear one joke that actually had me bust out laughing, and the writers seem to have forgotten the subtlety that made Futurama stand out from other animated sitcoms.

    Billy West sounds like he’s lost his voice and it feels like the rest of the cast are phoning in their performances a lot of the time. And what’s with the release schedule? A Christmas episode in August? I remember there being delays but I don’t understand why they would rush to get it out, they had so long to get it right and they still messed it up.