• dustyData@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I’ve always heard it explained like this (which I wholeheartedly agree with). Imagine you’re hiking a trail in the forest, and you trip on a rock and fall. By chance, you land on turd of excrement, luckily it only smears part of your arm and elbow with shit. Would you be fine just taking a piece of toilet paper and scraping it off? Or, would you feel compelled to wash it off with water, perhaps also soap?

    Why wouldn’t you just use paper, if you scrape hard enough it wouldn’t even smell and be just as clean, arguably?

    If you would at least use water, why do you extend to your elbow a courtesy that you don’t extend to your anus?

    The point is that there’s a lot of people who walk through life with a dirty asshole, but then try to act morally superior regarding personal hygiene, and I think that that’s not right.