Please try your best to narrow it down to THREE! Can you recall which shows on TV feel synonymous with your youth? Can be your childhood phase, your adolescent phase, etc. - whatever you define as your youth!

For me: Jackie Chan Adventures, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Pokemon

    15 days ago

    Pokemon Scooby-Doo Demon king daimao

    While the first two are probably fairly generic choices. The last one is the first anime i watched ( i dont count pokemon as anime ) when i was a teeneager ( naturaly it is a crazy schol fantasy harem anime , they were kinda trending at that time and they mostly sucked , similar to iseaki today . This one is probably no exception but i kinda look at it with rose tinted glasses and i havent watched it for a long time . ). Mostly because crunchyroll was an app on ps4 and i installed it and at that time everything was for free after a week. And boy o boy that was a start of journey through a very very deep black hole that im still very deep in.