In this case, I’m referring to the notion that we all make minor sacrifices in our daily interactions in service of a “greater good” for everyone.

“Following the rules” would be a simplified version of what I’m talking about, I suppose. But also keeping an awareness/attitude about "How will my choices affect the people around me in this moment? “Common courtesy”, “situational awareness”, etc…

I don’t know that it’s a “new” phenomenon by any means, I just seem to have an increasing (subjective) awareness of it’s decline of late.

    1 year ago

    Sounds like I’m not going to Seattle then! Thanks for the warning on that, i would have assumed Seattle had a big cafe-sitting culture. Did Frasier lie to me about that too?

    It’s like society views homeless folks as a cancer and deploys hostile design as an immune response to try and get rid of them rather than trying to help them.

    Yep. GDP ROI or GTFO. Disability rates for those below the poverty line are huge and it’s ignored. Businesses would usually rather choose a different candidate than change anything about their set-up, so people can’t afford to eat properly or get their meds or alter their spaces for their needs… and then their condition deteriorates further and they end up even more undesirable to employers. It’s a vicious cycle.

      1 year ago

      To be fair to Seattle, we specifically got a place right in the middle of a lot of the big touristy stuff and walked everywhere. So maybe other parts of the city have more benches. Either way it was extremely hilly and windy. I kept calling it the windy city and the hilly city. But yeah, maybe not the best.