Dude same!!! Feels like your entire mouth was just smashed with a baseball bat. Those pins and needles lasted a whole day
Dude same!!! Feels like your entire mouth was just smashed with a baseball bat. Those pins and needles lasted a whole day
Getting wisdom teeth removed
This sucks
As half Asian, I think his accent is pretty over the top but I am at least glad to see a strong Asian identity, and to an extent embracing our stereotypes. I’m also glad others can enjoy this content, even though it isn’t the same without having experienced Asian parents.
They think of us as staff.
Something women can’t comprehend, our balls are actually lungs and our willy gots to breathe else suffer asphyxiation.
oooooooooh noooooooo
This is how I felt since like iOS 7. I also use android now so ¯_ (ツ) _/¯
I never wear any sort of thick gloves, excluding gardening. I find that thick woven gloves only get your hands sucked into worse circumstances.
I don’t think manipulating someone with the guise of a relationship is very compassionate. She could at least have been upfront about it.
As a guy who does woodwork, and other DIY stuff, I’d be terrified of wearing large earings if I were a girl. Heck I’m already terrified of wearing a ring.
Honestly I’m glad to realize I’m more normal than I thought.
I don’t think there’s any circumstance where “replacing” a dead loved one with someone similar would ever end well. Way too many expectations, and context the date would be unaware of.
I cannot begin to imagine the environment she grew up in, or if she’s actually neurotic. Where in the world do you learn of using direct painful stimulus as your “go-to” form of communication? Also massive red flag when people say “That’s how all men/women act!” In response to problematic behavior. I’ve gotten that from the most toxic people I’ve ever met.
I’m not sure if you were just horny, but kudos to being able to withstand that.
That fucking sucks. The Russian/Slavic community here (new england, USA) is very hospitable, and many Ukrainians and Russians moved here after the “special military operation”. The local bazaar was even handing out free care packages to displaced Ukrainians.
Any plans to move, or stuck with your cursed citizenship?
I have met some Russians in my community (MA) and they have all mentioned that they are scared of the censorship their relatives are now facing in russia. I remember hearing one of their nephews got a visit from the local police department for their social media activity.
This was at a local repair cafe, and I was sharpening tools. Got to see some cool old Soviet shears, scissors and knives.
Damn, did you even learn anything???