“Dammit kid, take the deal – we really need that cream cheese back here.”
Hi there! I’m just a guy looking for a place to be and stuff.
“Dammit kid, take the deal – we really need that cream cheese back here.”
It’s a good example of how people’s morals vary greatly based on their present situation, rather than being some kind of deeply held, unchanging foundation. What people believe is good and bad is largely a function of where they happen to be at the moment.
I get what you’re saying, but yuck
Imma head out.
Like the old Navy saying goes, “Jizz like a xenomorph bleeds.”
Disaster recovery? I think you mean “a good excuse to begin a new life somewhere else!”
I knew someone who like to use flat Earthism to illustrate that there’s little point in debating someone who has no interest in being persuaded. He’d basically state the Earth is flat and use every rhetorical trick in the book to defend his position, exhaust his opponent, and then say, “Could you imagine how frustrated you’d be if I actually believed any of that?” He eventually got his DDS of all things, but I thought he’d make a good lawyer.
I might have thought that you were kidding, but I just recently found out there’s no such thing as brown.
You could make the argument that all his previous outrageous behaviors were desperate attempts to squeeze more money out of a business he didn’t understand. But this… this is unhinged. It’s so bafflingly pointless and dumb it’s become clear that what was once a reliable dopamine delivery system could, without warning or reason, just… disappear one day. Even the people who rely on Twitter like addicts are starting to come up with exit strategies.
Great galloping scallops, Batman!
Nailed it.