• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • That world isn’t a better place. The problem with violence is who decides when it’s used, and why it’s used.

    I don’t want politicians I support (who in my view are taking reasonable, legal actions) to be assaulted by opponents. It’s why we have due process, so that it’s not just a case of “we have a mob big enough to do this”.

    Quartering? That’s awful. Violence or detainment should not be used as punishment or to inflict pain, only to prevent future harmful actions.

  • I guess the tricky part is when we think of something like freedom of speech, in order to exercise the right, a person can just start talking. If we think of the right to shelter, it’s difficult for a person to just, have a place to live. It requires more active intervention by the government. And I think that intervention should happen. I only point it out because there does seem to be a distinction that could trip up the conversation. But I don’t have a better term than “right.” Anything less seems vulnerable to attack and gradual chiseling away by its opponents.

  • Most people are not in a financial position to start their own business. And in a sense, starting your own business in a best case results in a benevolent dictatorship. Every person makes mistakes and has blind spots. So one person should not be in charge of decisions controlling everyone’s work.

    I would encourage people to freelance or start a co-op, and I think in the long term large co-ops (like fortune 500 size) are the preferable path. But if we waited for bootstrapped co-ops to reach critical mass we’d be waiting hundreds of years. One thing I’m excited about is the Obran cooperative, because they look set to convert private businesses to co-ops at a relatively large scale.

    From a government standpoint in the long term I think about businesses with more than one employee being required to use one person one vote governance. (not necessarily all direct democracy, for example it could be electing a board who appoints management) But we’re a long ways away from that and it would be smart to move in phases to not destroy the actual value in existing corporations. So maybe some policies as a starting point would be: government funds for creating co-ops and converting co-ops, bidding advantage for co-ops responding to government RFPs and a requirement for corporations of certain size to have some minimum employee representation on their board.