Is your cucumber bitter? Throw it away. Are there briars in your path? Turn aside. That is enough. Do not go on and say “Why were things of this sort ever brought into this world?”

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • range 1500km, this is completely doable on standard amateur radio equipment, you just need few hundred watts of power

    this is what happens when you’re too close to an antenna handling power like that (lifted from reddit):

    A few years ago, when I lived in-town, I had an issue. I came home from work one evening and immediately began to tune up the radio so that I might work some grey line DX when I noticed that my tuner was having difficulty tuning within the 20m DX window. I reset and again, it failed. I looked out the window and noticed, to my horror, that some moron had decided to hang laundry from my 80m dipole.

    Quickly, I realized that the culprit must have been my neighbor who had a habit of using or taking my property without asking. I gathered his laundry in a basket, walked next door, dropped it on the doorstep and went back home. Just to be sure that he got the memo, I dropped a handwritten note atop the laundry which basically read “That’s not a clothesline, it’s an antenna. This antenna will have 100-200W (TS-480HX) on it, so don’t touch it! Contact with the antenna will result in terribly painful RF burns- no kidding. Don’t touch the antenna. Don’t hang things from the antenna. Don’t come on my property.”

    Not wanting to get sued by some payday-seeking jerk (many of those in this area), I tied lengths of Caution tape to the legs of the dipole to act as a visual warning.

    Guess what? Halfway through a conversation with a delightful ham in Brazil, I heard intense screaming from the backyard. I ran to the back window and found my selfish, moronic neighbor holding his forearm where it had contacted the dipole as he tried to rehang his wet laundry.

    He threatened to call the police, so I just called the sheriff, who happened to be the local ARC president. Threatened with a Criminal Trespassing charge, the neighbor let it go and never returned to my yard. On the plus side, all of my missing tools were mysteriously returned within a few days, too.

    To wrap up this ramble, I felt bad about him being injured, so the sheriff and I paid him a visit to check on his progress over the subsequent couple of months. It wasn’t quite as bad as he had asserted and he did recover. I have since moved to avoid yahoos such as him.

  • “I’m the greatest philosopher who ever lived”

    lmao. this reminds me of a dude on r/chemistry that was 19, first year uni dropout, a stalker, psychoanalysis enjoyer and face on dick pic poster, that claimed that he’s about to cure cancer and rabies by pulling some random molecule out of his ass and claiming it will definitely work. mind you, drug development takes years to decades for specialist teams with med chemists, biologists and so on in the loop, who know what they are doing and have 10s to 100s of millions in funding, at minimum. then he tried to get to this molecule in his homelab, while not using any PPE, with history of him getting poisoned by allyl bromide and uranium previously (the latter by licking some mineral), damaging some of his living room with acids, and later giving up after three or four steps in, all while asking really basic questions that he would know answer to if he bothered to go through first organic chemistry lab at uni (usually at 2nd year). so, you see, he focused on the easiest part, the one that can be subcontracted to CRO. he got sitewide ban after calling for genocide of everyone who doesn’t recognize his genius, because obviously it’s close minded professors who are in conspiracy to suppress him

    then two weeks ago he made another account, still going about his bs “miracle cure”, doxxing himself in drivel filled medium post before presumably giving up chemistry and focusing on psychoanalysis. i guess frequent breaks from reality won’t bother him anymore