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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We have forced it, quite hamfistedly, to do anything. The organic hell-evolution of web browsers turned them into do-anything sandboxed mini-OS. It meant whatever hellish code you used to write your corporate mandated web app could now become a perfectly bloated standalone application. And the demonic language that would enable it was called Javascript. It does the backend and it does the frontend. You could consider those advantages over other devices, like toasters and those handheld electronic games from the 80s.

  • I’m going to analyze this assuming you’re more manly than not, since that’s where my experience is at.

    Emotions are separate, related issues that can be tackled just like a man can. A therapist with “Men’s Issues” experience knows how to frame the woo and abstractions of regular therapy with more actionable techniques. Someone with very intense or inappropriate emotions may need to face the emotions MORE than the problem at hand. There are techniques and viewpoints to be understood, and I had to use these myself.

    It’s stuff like simple facts about emotions. They exist. They influence your actions. They can be modified and analyzed. They need to be managed like an adult manages a child. Ignoring emotions can compact them into deep seated hurt that induce more emotions. Process your past to free yourself from that hurt. It won’t be fast, but it needs to be done.

    If certain situations that cause emotions can be avoided, do so when reasonable. If they cannot be ignored, recognize that external help through tools, techniques, and friends are not weakness, but the weapons you use to to fight your battles. Forgive yourself slipping while always focusing on the output. Learn to cry, and know how it makes you more powerful and strong.

    Notice that this is closer to “wise old karate master” or “Boy Scout Scoutmaster” talk. It’s what men crave but rarely find in popular media. IF the person does not have issues with their emotions and have a sufficiently sized ego, pulling them through the first steps of anxiety and hesitation is enough to make someone feel competent and secure. Positive visualization, goading their ego, pushing buttons (gently), it’s good for many men but not for all of them, and it just doesn’t translate to a lot of women. Expand your arsenal of emotional management for your target audience. You’re a good person for wanting to find a better way to help others.

  • Both because they are the ultimate tools in maneuvering a terrible, terrible development environment. For reference, Sigasi Studio costs 2,000$ PER YEAR, and it still doesn’t work for our dev environment!

    Let me paint a picture: Corporate job that won’t let you download anything except whatever you can smuggle through a git checkout. It took a month to convince IT to download vim 9.0 on the server. The programming language? VHDL and SystemVerilog and UVM. Horrible language support that relies on proprietary compilers/simulators, and always the ones you aren’t using. The one you are using is so obtuse that it has literally 50 configuration files for a single project. All of it is run with a janky python script with half of the flags not working. LSP support is out of the question since it dynamically pulls files from god knows where with at least 10 layers of …/ relative pathing.

    All I can do on vim is

    • ctrl+p for fuzzy file finding and a massive blacklist of intermediate files to ignore,

    • a custom :Make command with custom errorformat that you can navigate through,

    • Universal Ctags with per library indexes to reference those far off files,

    • and a fuckton of grepping for when Go To Definition (ctrl+]) grabs the wrong location.

    Vim’s autocomplete is almost always good enough. If my laundry list of plugins break, I can literally fix them on the spot and even submit the merge request on github. If you take into consideration all of this configuration and learning effort, I still save hours of navigating through the hundreds of files I have to essentially reverse engineer. My coworkers are all electrical engineers and it shows They’re using godforsaken nedit with no syntax highlighting…

  • Don’t let schadenfreude and tribalism blind you for the reasons for disliking this person. You don’t win in politics if your opponent dies from old age, you win by shifting the forces that decide elections. Cheering on the… lets see here… inescapable march of time on a human’s body invites much the same onto yourself in the future. That is, don’t laugh at old people deteriorating if you don’t want younguns in the future to laugh at you or your grandma. It’s a journey that we all take, and I feel like it should have some dignity in it.

    I wish he and his family good health, and that the political structure around him fades into history.

  • Exercise! If you can integrate that into your routine or even identity, you can get a lifelong benefit. But it has to be fun, since you want to make it a hobby. Try joining a dancing class, rock climbing, boxing gym, jogging group, or whatever you can do for fun. I’m unique because I play DanceDanceRevolution, which gives a explicit reason to improve my stamina and aerobic capacity. 45 minutes on a treadmill goes by fast with rhythm game music.

    For partner activites, get into a boardgame group! I’m talking Carcassonne, Coup, One Night Werewolf, and an infinite many more. Some gamestores have a place to play TCGs and offer some demo games to play. There’s probably a group there or online looking for an player, especially in college towns.