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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yes, my mom and I own a home together, because she is divorced, and I am legally blind, which makes it a bitch to find work. I’m actually doing better than her though because I did not fall into the stupid debt trap with high interest credit cards or student loans and since I’m blind I can’t drive a car so don’t have insurance and a car payment to worry about. So while I am not rich by any means, I actually have more money every single month than she does. Easily. Except for tax time, that is. That time she does have more money than I do, but only for a short time until it gets eaten by the credit cards.

  • I will say I don’t really know about the emotional part so I will go into the financial and say that your country’s currency will depreciate as time moves on. Therefore, you can either get a fixed rate mortgage now and convert it to a lower fixed rate mortgage later or get a variable rate mortgage now and convert it to a fixed rate later when rates decrease again. By doing this you lock in your price and the only thing that will change it is either in increase in taxes or insurance and even that won’t increase it that much. So you have a very good idea of what your bill will be and you are shorting your country’s fiat currency by buying something of value now and paying for it with depreciating currency over time.

    Edit: As one buyer to another, I will say, watch out for electricity prices, though, because environmentally changing a 900-square-foot apartment or a 900-square-foot house are two totally different animals. I am not sure whether it’s because all the other units in the building are doing roughly the same thing so the temperature change you have to make is less or if my landlords were subsidizing electricity but it was way cheaper to run electricity in an apartment than in a house. Like my electricity went up from an average of $30 at my apartments to an average of $120 at my house. As I said, my guess is that since everybody else in your building of apartments is wanting to keep their apartments cool or warm as well, this changes how much you personally spend to warm or cool your part of the building.

    Edit 2: Another thought is that perhaps it’s the attic in my house that caused a lot of that increase because yes my house is technically like a thousand square feet but that is the floor that you can live on not including the attic which would add more to that total if it were included

  • The dollar is a pyramid scheme that scams people out of their life savings every day. It’s called inflation. It’s generally hard to see in your savings account day to day, but if you work for 30 years, for example, you can really see it in your retirement account, because that $500,000 or more in your retirement account can’t buy nearly what it could when you started work at age 20. Everybody needs to flee fiat currencies such as the dollar and go to some sort of cryptocurrency where the rules are known and cannot be changed or go to gold.