I’ve never heard this before, and it sounds gross and stupid. If you have the power to help your family then do it. Ignore the psycho who lets his parents wallow in poverty.
Although personally I’m more broke than my parents so it’s not an option.
A loom that learned to weave itself.
I’ve never heard this before, and it sounds gross and stupid. If you have the power to help your family then do it. Ignore the psycho who lets his parents wallow in poverty.
Although personally I’m more broke than my parents so it’s not an option.
Bakeapple cheesecake is the real deal.
I can’t put my finger on it. I keep trying to watch it, but it always loses my interest. The plots sound amazing but there’s something in the style that pushes me away.
I’m pretty sure that’s just a genre of video you can find on any video site.
umm, are you suggesting that all discs are male???
KMFDM’s house
woe is bro
So you’ve tried these techniques and they didn’t work? Or have you not tried them at all?
I hope some insane person has tried all these things.
Sadly, all dogs are temporary :(
I’m not sure there is a reason. The instinct to continue existing is so fundamental that it doesn’t need any underlying reason, I think. We fear the end of our existence. So if we are remembered after we die, then we still exist in some way.
Why are you so eager to get here before the mods delete it?
Pick something to get good at, then really work to get really good at it. The younger the better. But be focused. Ideally something you can make money with.
Just unplug them until you need them. Make sure they’re not connected to the internet.
Yeah it sounds like being buried alive.
It’s really surprising that something so obscure became a meme. What’s the first instance of the comic being represented with line segments like that? How did they come to be recognizable?
Wow people have a million things to say about this.
So this is either something vulgar which I (a person experiencing colorblindness) cannot see, or, there are no shapes in those bubbles at all. I think it’s the latter since I can’t see shapes in either bubble.
Oh it’s that
i iI Ii I_
thing, which I never understood
I don’t quite get it. Is the problem that you miss being pursued by younger people?
This clearly only applies to situations where the kids have more money than the parents. Generally, family helps out when they can. If you can’t help, then don’t. Obviously you shouldn’t help your parents financially if they’re more wealthy than you.