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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2020

  • scubbo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlHeh
    8 months ago

    I feel like you’re using “supercede” differently to the rest of us. You’re getting a hostile reaction because it sounded like you’re saying that EM is no longer at all useful because it has been obsoleted (superceded) by QM. Now you’re (correctly) saying that EM is still useful within its domain, but continuing to say that QM supercedes it. To me, at least, that’s a contradiction. QM extends EM, but does not supercede it. If EM were supercedes, there would be no situation in which it was useful.

  • scubbo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlHeh
    8 months ago

    “X depends on or is built up on Y” does not imply “X is Y”. Concepts, laws, techniques, etc. can depend or be higher-order expressions of QM without being QM. If you started asking a QM scientist about tensile strength or the Mohs scale they would (rightly) be confused.

  • scubbo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlI'd pick the person.
    11 months ago

    I take your point, but the reasoning “this person has already demonstrated themselves willing, able, and motivated to breach a major social contract related to your safety; therefore I fear that they may try to breach more” is not unreasonable. The proportion of “home invaders who are also (willing to be) murderers” is gonna be way larger than the proportion of willing murderers among the general population.

  • scubbo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVideo game DLC now vs then
    11 months ago

    My unpopular opinion is that DLC is not, in and of itself, bad. If you don’t want it, don’t buy it! If you do want it - great, no problem! In a world without DLC, you either have to buy the whole game, or not. If you tried it and didn’t like it, you have wasted the whole price of the game. Whereas in a DLC system, you’ve spent the price of the base game, but that’s effectively just a fraction of the total game price. You risked less.

    What is a problem - and what I think most people who think they’re mad about DLC are actually mad about - is charging a price that isn’t commensurate with the amount of content you get. If a full game is “worth” $60, and it’s split up into a $20 base game and 4 $10 DLCs - great, everyone is (or, should be!) happy. But if the publisher charges $60 for $20-worth of base game and then charges for DLC on top, you should be pissed - but you should still be pissed about that mispricing even if the DLC didn’t exist. Yes, DLC is the reason why that pricing strategy is adopted - but that doesn’t mean that DLC itself is inherently bad. There are possible implementations that are not flawed.

  • Neither of those things you described are intentional life-choices that people have planned, so no, it is not the same thing at all.

    Why is everyone else responsible for your comfort?

    This is a circular argument I’ve seen a lot of times on this thread (from several people), so I’m going to respond to it just once and then stop engaging here because this whole thread is not convincing anyone. Both sides of this issue believe that that argument supports them:

    • Pro-babies think “other passengers should just bring earplugs, I don’t have to be responsible for their comfort” (let’s leave aside for a moment the question of whether earplugs are actually fully effective against screaming children (they’re not) and give this view the benefit of the doubt)
    • Anti-babies think “just don’t bring the baby on the plane. The whole rest of the plane shouldn’t have to adapt to your choices

    The thing is, one of these groups of people is knowingly introducing a factor that will cause distress to hundreds of people and is saying “fuck all of you if you aren’t prepared to adapt to my choices”, and the other group is saying…“please don’t do that”. The latter feels way more reasonable to me.

    The key point here seems to be that air travel is considered to be a fundamental inalienable right, something which should not and cannot be denied. Parents are saying things like “well without air travel, how are we supposed to go on holiday”, to which the answer is…maybe you’re not (or you go by car/boat) until the baby’s a real human? Maybe that was something you should have thought about before you had a child? Maybe, just maybe, it should be the cultural and social norm that a choice that you made does not permit you to inflict the negative outcomes of that choice on a tube of strangers?

  • No-one’s claiming that it’s unreasonable or unprecedented for kids to be noisy and disruptive due to (among other reasons) still-developing brains that can’t fully process social norms and responsibilities.

    We’re saying that, given that everyone knows that fact, the parents who choose to bring poorly-behaved kids onto planes are being selfish and irresponsible.

    The kids are mostly blameless in these situations - they’re still developing, they can’t (depending on age) be expected to be fully responsible. It’s the parents that are selfish shitbags.

  • You used to be a child once, so you aren’t allowed to be frustrated at any behaviours of children or choices of their caregivers” sure is a perspective.

    Yes, I was once a child. And if my parents had taken me on a flight before I was sufficiently mature not to yell during it, they would have been being irresponsible and selfish. “Babies scream, sometimes there’s nothing you can do to stop them” is true, but doesn’t imply that you should be allowed to take them anywhere.