Huh, never heard of it! from what I gathered from the website its a central VPN? Wouldn’t that be overkill for a homelab scenario? Thanks for your response!
Huh, never heard of it! from what I gathered from the website its a central VPN? Wouldn’t that be overkill for a homelab scenario? Thanks for your response!
Thank you for not only taking the time to answer but also adding quite useful resources. I will look into it!
TIL, benutze zwar seit geraumer Zeit Geizhals aber gut zu wissen.
Yes, the surf game is way more fun than the dino in my opinion!
Sieht ganz so aus als hätte ich zu früh gemaimait:
Tldr: SPD plant einen neuen Anlauf für einen Pflichtdienst diesmal auf 3 Monate beschränkt.
How did you get Monica running? I’ve tried the docker scripts but had no luck with them.
Yes, look at the ars article, there are even links to the patents.