That’s just structs and unions right?
That’s just structs and unions right?
He’s also going wtf is this
Axel F by Crazy Frog
Can you give more context or an example. Is it like sort of Obsidian graph but the nodes are all contacts or something?
These kind of tags are supported in all kinds of note taking apps. I don’t think it would be an Hercularian task to achieve it.
Nested Tags for contacts. Ability to add sub tags like Friends/BowlingGroup or Acquaintance/LocalChurchContact
I seriously don’t understand what’s difficult to tag contacts like this and ability to use them to message a group. It’s a serious no-brainer feature but not to be found anywhere.
Tunak Tunak Tun
I assume Mike Klubnika did the music for his games including Buckshot Roulette.