I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • mozz@mbin.grits.devtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHDD data recovery
    5 days ago

    You’re going to think I am joking but I am not. Multiple people have sworn to me that this works for a common failure mode of HDD drives and I’ve literally never heard someone say they tried it and it failed. I’ve never tried it. Buyer beware. Don’t blame me if you fuck up your drive / your computer it’s connected to / anything else even worse by doing this:

    1. Stick it in the freezer for a short while.
    2. Take it out.
    3. Boot it up.
    4. If it works, get all the data off it as quick as you can.

  • political extremists, tech nerds, privacy enthusiasts, and shitposters

    Dude thank god

    I miss my old nerd internet. I won’t say you’re wrong for wanting something that isn’t that, but I personally wish it was more that way than it currently is. SDF or mander is honestly a lot closer to how I like the culture and interactions to be, than Lemmy.world. I was super psyched when I came on and there were all these communists and science weirdos.

    for the general masses? Lemmy is just not good.

    For example, a NBA post on the NBA subreddit can get you thousands of interactions in a couple of hours. An NBA post on here will maybe get you a dozen over the course of a couple of days.

    Honestly, when sports started showing up on the main page of Reddit it was confusing and alarming to me. I recognize that I am the weird one here (from the POV of the ordinary person society), but I much prefer just having my nerd stuff and having it be unencumbered by any normal person stuff

    I think we actually have exactly the same view of Lemmy and its accurate position in relation to most normal people, just disagreeing over whether that is or isn’t a good thing

  • Maybe you are gone already so won’t see this.

    But I actually agree with your central point that the politics and tech communities on Lemmy are full of strife and hostility that doesn’t need to be there. Actually most of the rest of it seems fine, but if you care about politics or tech, the quantity of dickheads get hard to ignore.

    My strategy has been to pretty aggressively cull some communities out of my subscriptions, and then make a little hobby out of attempting to disagree with some of the dickheads good naturedly in places I still subscribe to. Be the change you want to see in the world and etc. I don’t always succeed.

    I have to say, skimming over your user, that it looks to me like most of the time when you get downvotes, it’s not because of anything opinion based, but because you’re being hostile and dismissive of the other person’s point of view – sometimes like instantly right out of the gate, like “oh great I’m sure this thread is going to be FULL of people saying wrong opinion X which is obviously wrong”… which is exactly what you’re saying you’re sick of. IDK, man, you could be right or wrong. But being hostile about it and actively trying to pick fights with the other viewpoint even before anyone has shown up to express it seems like it’s not exactly gonna draw people gathering around you throwing roses and warmly embracing you if that’s what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for lots of fighting then sure but it sounds like that is not what you are after.

    Like I say I gave up on certain communities because of what you’re saying. I won’t say at all that your assessment is wrong. But also I do think there’s a certain degree to which (again just saying what I’ve seen looking back a little) you’ve created exactly the strife as well on your side.

  • I used Usenet and anonymous FTP, archie and gopher, in the days just before the creation of the web. I actually thought the web was weird when my ISP started trying to push it, and couldn’t really understand why they were making such a big deal about it and taking so much trouble to explain to me all the things I’d have to do to get hooked up with it (which were significant). It seemed like just a bunch of weird-looking pages and not all that useful. Weird bomb-making recipes in text files from anonymous FTP seemed a lot better.

    CompuServe had a very different feel as opposed to the community-run places like FidoNet and Usenet. It always sort of felt like a Dollar General version of the internet, where all the shelves are a little disordered and no one’s really paying that much attention to what’s going on. Usenet and FTP were very cool. There was wild stuff on there.

    Getting access to email was very cool. Before that it was sending letters, or talking on the phone with family members or random strangers walking around hearing you. Getting a physical letter from someone you were distantly-connected to was very cool in a way that’s not replicated on any electronic network, and email seemed initially like it was better, although I think now that in letters we lost something important.

    Probably the most massive difference between now and those days is something I don’t see people talk about very much: Before the internet, there really was only 1 viewpoint and 1 viewpoint only on the news. US soldiers were the good guys. Neoliberals in government are looking out for you. Criminals are bad. It’s just… it’s hard to explain, because now there’s such a wealth of different opinions and ways of looking at things that it seems normal, but back then it was very rare to get your hands on even one little piece of “subversive” viewpoint. When the Rodney King beating made the news, it was really electrifyingly shocking; at least to the white world, the idea that the cops would ever do something wrong or could even be charged with a crime was aberrant and confusing. They found the cops not guilty in the first trial. It was just too much to take on, to change the jury’s world view around to that they might have done something illegal, even with the whole thing on video.

    I got an issue of Adbusters and it was like this wild precious thing, an artifact from some other world. I was visiting somewhere when I found it; it wasn’t available in my hometown. On the early internet, I was reading a message board where some people were talking about tactics fighting against NATO troops, and it was fucking mind blowing. Like… they’re the enemy. How can they be allowed on the internet? Like people? And then I started downloading episodes of “Off the Hook” and issues of 2600, and it sort of was this gateway into this whole other way of looking at the world. I read some Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn, and around that time this whole other type of media came along, and in about 5-10 years it became, silently but inexorably, an acceptable thing. But when I was growing up, it wasn’t.

    It’s not gonna be possible, I think, for someone from today to really understand how blinkered the view was of the world for 99% of people, before the internet came along. I don’t know how well it will translate to today, but I remember Spin as another big watershed at the time, in showing me how much fakeness was in a lot of what I thought was real.