Thank you :)
Thank you :)
What are your favorite tutorials about Blender specifically for 3D printing? Any channel recommendations?
Having my own home - I mean I have to pay off the loan for it but still, I never thought I would be able to call a house my own.
wtf those are mostly verified purchases? I fear if I read further I have to buy one, too
Did you solve it? It looks as if it’s generated. I would guess it’s the lower fridge in case the items are supposed to be falling and the fridge will be the first one to hit the floor.
Sehe ich auch so - und manche Dokus und Nachrichten würde ich mir nicht mehr anschauen wollen, wenn sie durch Werbung finanziert werden müssten. Auf Rosamunde Pilcher Verfilmungen kann ich aber gerne verzichten.
Me too - for me because things like my floor are meant to be durable, and seeing it being destroyed so easily just by some spores flying around discomfits me.
Gegenfragen - “wann hast du zuletzt woanders gearbeitet”… “willst du für immer hier bleiben?”… und dann “ich denke es ist gut für die eigene Entwicklung sich immer mal wieder einer neuen Umgebung/neuen Herausforderungen auszusetzen” - bring sie dazu über sich selbst nachzudenken als ihre Nase in deine Angelegenheiten zu stecken. Btw alles Gute, ich kann das Geschriebene gut nachvollziehen.
My father in law told me how a guy at work created several pictures with AI for decorating the floor, bragging about saving costs since he didn’t use licensed pictures. But the AI may have used licensed pictures to learn creating those images. Artists lose money due to this being done by companies, which could very well afford paying the artists. I guess a private person creating memes with AI is not threatening anyone to lose their job.