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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think Heretic crossed with Unreal is an accurate comparison.

    Enemies may have been more plentiful than in Unreal, but movement is much closer to Unreal than Heretic’s DOOM engine movement. And it’s much closer to Unreal than anything in the Quake lineage.

    Also, the weapon arsenal’s style is very Heretic, but the weapon behavior is very Unreal.

    Same with the levels, honestly. Style is Heretic, but the level design itself reminded me of Unreal pretty frequently. (And nothing like the puzzle-heavy, hub-based Hexen)

  • legion@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldOn the future of Lemmy vs reddit
    11 months ago

    Lemmy has enough user activity to fulfill my time-wasting needs.

    There doesn’t need to be one website that EVERYONE is at. The Web didn’t used to be so damn consolidated.

    I don’t give one shit about “Lemmy vs. Reddit”. I care about Lemmy having active communities to engage in, regardless of what is happening on some other website.

  • Atleast the second point on your ‘missed’ list is generally instance related (atleast in my experience).

    True, and I am aware of that. But just speaking of the user experience, it is a pain point that I’m currently experiencing that I wasn’t when using Reddit (aside from the occasional “You Broke Reddit” outage periods).

    That’s not a criticism of Lemmy, I mean I lived through Friendster’s cripplingly poor performance, Twitter’s failwhale, and the bad early days of Reddit. Performance issues with new, growing social media sites is to be expected. But for the time being, I do miss being on a more stable platform.

    This is attempt #2 to submit this reply. Let’s see if it works…

  • What I will miss from Reddit:

    • relevant discussions on every minute, niche topic available
    • hitting a button and having it usually work (Lemmy growing pains are tough sometimes, I had to try repeatedly to get this comment up)

    What I will not miss from Reddit:

    • Low quality content, including, to be blunt, images with text (and calling them “memes”)
    • joke subs in general
    • joke subs where the people that joined later don’t know it’s supposed to be a joke
    • silly repetitious comment chains
    • “we did it, Reddit!”
    • subs that were supposed to be about real advice/drama but were flooded with bad creative writing

  • Part of my Reddit exodus plan was to get serious about my RSS setup.

    I’ve settled on:

    • FreshRSS as my feed manager (supported by Reeder app in iOS and MacOS)
    • FiveFilters Full Text extractor
    • rss-proxy site scraper

    I may experiment with some replacements for rss-proxy, as I’ve run into a couple sites it doesn’t scrape well, but FreshRSS and FiveFilters have been smashing successes.