It’s funny, at the time we probably would’ve said Reality Bites.
It’s funny, at the time we probably would’ve said Reality Bites.
That is, of course, only a problem with outdoor cats and feral populations. Indoor cats are fine. Personally I keep my cat indoors for a bunch of reasons, but I also think that reasonable human beings can feel otherwise. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of people online who have decided that not only is keeping an outdoor cat bad, it’s a form of animal abuse. And therefore they not only berate people who allow their cat outside, they also encourage people who stumble upon outdoor cats to take possession of them since they’re being abused. This is a pretty extremist position that probably doesn’t reflect the views of most cat owners, but it tends to get magnified in cat communities that rely on upvotes, since upvotes encourage echo chambers.
There’s a metaphor here.
This whole controversy has been a real boon to my blocklist.
The fact that it’s not run by reddit and it has working 3rd party apps. And that’s pretty much it TBH.
They’re good for activities you want open ears for, like street cycling. Audio quality is not fantastic though. I use them for podcasts.
I mean fuck, if I had a billion dollars I’d get hair plugs too.
There are a ton of people who got on reddit and never got on anything else. I like to stay in contact with some of them.
I’m guessing they know how, but it’s not as quick as just glancing at it. I mean fuck I’m in my 40s but that’s true for me, too.
They look nice. Some of them anyway, not specifically school clocks which I mentally associate with “when is this day going to fucking end?” But reading a clock is not a difficult skill that takes a long time to teach.
Don’t go to Japan if this bugs you.
I see it as a good thing when people make the decision to block them easy.
I rotate between switch, ps5, and PC regularly (not to mention older systems). But there have definitely been games where I avoided them on switch because i knew they’d run like ass.
Is true but I’ve also seen a lot of Americans who have a visceral reaction to things like offal that fall outside of what they’re used to. At the same time there’s a pretty wide variety of cultural backgrounds in America so my original statement is narrow minded.
In countries that are not america people regularly eat every part of the animal that can be eaten.
I’ve had smoked pig face, actually, and it was delicious.
(It’s from The Life Aquatic)
Uh, the primaries were not competitive at all. Not sure what you’re on about.
I find people who call themselves “carnivores” every bit as tiresome as evangelical vegans.
Shrug. It’s just not particularly funny. And there’s pretty obviously a widespread effort to post vegan stuff to non-vegan subs. People have made their choices and trying to hammer them over it doesn’t change anyone’s mind. I’m just blocking the people doing it, personally.
Most of my lunches are leftovers, but many of them are things like a burger or a bratwurst that I can cook with little effort. Or I can buy something.
Imagine complaining about £4 for lunch, I’m lucky if I get out for under $20.