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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Alena Buyx, Vorsitzende des Ethikrats, reibt sich an einem grundlegenden Prinzip der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO): “Datensparsamkeit ist in der heutigen Zeit eine irrsinnige Idee”, […]
    “Wir klicken 48 Seiten Cookie-Erklärungen weg”, argumentierte Buyx.

    Die Cookie-Erklärungen sind doch kein Resultat von Datensparsamkeit. Sie sind Resultat der Datengier von Websitebetreibern und deren Lobbyarbeit um eine pauschales Blockieren der Datensammlung zu verhindern.
    Wer keine persönlichen Daten von seinen Nutzern erhebt braucht auch nicht nach deren Einverständnis fragen.

    Zugleich sei es nötig, im Gesundheitssektor etwa durch gemeinwohlorientierte Forschungskonsortien “üppig” Daten zu nutzen:

    Da spricht doch nichts dagegen, die dürfen gerne anonym alle Daten haben die sie wollen. Für statistische Erhebungen in der Gesundheitsforschung sind aber weder mein Name, noch meine Kontaktdaten nötig.

    Viele Menschen gingen hierzulande davon aus, “bestimmte Daten können wir gar nicht nutzen”.

    Auch kein Problem der Datensparsamkeit, sondern ein Problem, dass Leute nicht kapieren was persönliche, geschützte Daten sind und was nicht.
    Die Frau scheint kein Ahnung zu haben wovon sie redet.

    Der andere Diskusionspartner scheint da deutlich Sachverständiger:

    Man dürfe die Vorgabe aus der DSGVO zur “Minimierung” persönlicher Daten “nicht mit Sparsamkeit verwechseln”, hielt Kelber dagegen. Das Motto laute also nicht: “Alles wegwerfen.” Vielmehr gehe es darum, nichts zu erheben, was man nicht für eine konkrete Datenverarbeitung brauche. Wolle man persönliche Informationen für andere Zwecke wie etwa die Forschung im Gesundheitsbereich weiterverwenden (“Sekundärnutzung”), ermöglichten technische Schutzmechanismen wie die Pseudonymisierung “alles”.
    “Deutschland ist gefährlich unterdigitalisiert”, wird Kelber nicht müde zu unterstreichen […]
    Nicht nur während der Pandemie hatten “die, die bei der Digitalisierung nicht vorankommen” und “im Föderalismus ersticken” eine “einfache Ausrede mit dem Datenschutz”.

  • A country […] under a revolutionary socialist government is still communist

    I would argue that in a world where the terms are not synonymous, socialist countries are in fact socialist, not communist.

    at least in so far as its following the roadmap

    Following a roadmap to some target literally means that you have not yet achieved that target.
    The argument is not that their are no communists, the argument is that they have not established actual communism, therefore the states they govern are not communist states.
    Whether or not they want to establish communism does not factor into it.

    To claim otherwise would be akin to claiming that a company on a roadmap to profitability is already profitable, while actually still losing money.

  • You’re not going to break the Cuban blockade. You’re not going to settle the endless territorial disputes plaguing Vietnam. You’re not going to undo the legacy of generations of apartheid in South Africa overnight. You’re not going to Make the USSR Great Again.

    So maybe save yourself some angst and stop trying to tell Nicholas Maduro and Kim Jung Un how to do their jobs

    All these "you"s make me think that you might addressing me personally.
    I make no claim to solve anything, nor how anyone should do their job.
    I have provided an (incomplete) explanation as to what communism is, why it does not actually exist in practice and why therefore people commenting cannot be from a communist state.

  • every “communist” when pushed will take position on atrocities committed by various communists regimes… they gonna do that thing that “fascists” do: “well he really did not do it but if he did, they clearly deserved it”

    I have never encountered that argument. Is that something Tankies say?
    What I have seen is the often mocked argument, that these regimes were not communist in the first place.
    Actual communism has never existed and probably never will.
    There are however plenty of communists that will openly denounce stalinism. That is the entire premise of Animal Farm, btw.

  • geissi@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlKnow the difference.
    2 months ago

    Communism is a society without social classes, money, or a state.
    Feel free to name one so-called communist country that implemented that.

    The eastern block was as communist as North Korea is democratic.
    They did however socialize ownership of factories etc, so they did have an authoritarian form of socialism.

  • geissi@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlJiv me a break
    11 months ago

    Try to pronounce the letter G. What does it sound like? Hard or soft G?

    According to wikipedia the phonetic usage includes:
    [g] [d͡ʒ] [ʒ] [ŋ] [j] [ɣ~ʝ] [x~χ] [d͡z] [ɟ] [k] [ɠ] [ɢ] /dʒiː/

    For English pronunciation it lists:
    /dʒ/ /ɡ/ /ʒ/ and silent

  • geissi@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlKeep it simple
    11 months ago

    I’m saying that there are no consistent rules so language learners have to learn each word individually.
    If you learn languages by memorizing every singe vowel shift since proto-indo-european then be my guest but for someone who just wants to speak the language and has to learn the difference between plough, through, though etc, it seems pretty damn arbitrary.