Can the dog owning houses replace their grass with wood chips or something?
Can the dog owning houses replace their grass with wood chips or something?
Kann gut sein, ich hatte Kartoffel als Patata gelernt als ich in Spanien, bzw. Baskenland gewohnt habe. Im Urlaub in Peru haben alle Papa gesagt.
Aber nur in Südamerikanischem Spanisch. Auf Castellaño heist Kartoffel immer noch Patata und nicht Papa.
I’ve read somewhere that he never regretted building the bomb, because he believed it prevented more wars/deaths from happening. Maybe I can find the article
Edit: Found it. It’s german though. He even sued an author who wrote a play where oppenheimer was struggling with his doings
There is a game called Turing complete where you start with simple logic gates and you start building upwards from there. Then you’re only missing the part where you build transistors from silicone wafers.