I am a #bibliologer and a #cryptologer. I study the Bible, codes, and ciphers among other things. I enjoy #poetry. I like #neologisms. I burn with insatiable curiosity about everyone and everything.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 10th, 2023

  • “Unfortunately virtually no one is going to see this.”

    That’s what you think. But others are reading, and taking note, and amusing themselves.

    Pray tell, what does your clairvoyant knowledge of the readership have to do with the facts at hand or subject of discussion?

    And this is yet another bully tactic of trying to convince the target that he is ‘alone and isolated’ in his view. Your tactics are transparent. You just ‘intuit’ what you want to be true and then declare it to be so. Your socialist forefathers did the same, and they managed to murder millions of victims in the process of their incompetence and arrogance. You’re on the wrong side of history.

    “This is starting to sound like persecutory delusion.”

    This is more evidence of your tendency to ad hominem bile.

    Since you are such an eminent psychologist, should I shudder before your most highly supernatural powers of psychoanalysis? Pray tell, where did you get your license to practice remote psychiatry? I sure would like to know the rocket scientry behind how that works!

  • “So you don’t have even a basic understanding of capitalism or of socialism. Even Wikipedia isn’t this wrong.”

    You are wrongly defining capitalism according to Marxist word play games.

    Capitalism was the revolt against feudalism during the Crisis of the High Middle Ages. What you define as, ‘monopoly capitalism’ is in fact, ‘soviet socialism’. It is what it is, not what ideologues say it is.

    Capitalism is the idea of private property as opposed to the feudalist idea of aristocratic-owned property, or legalized theft and peonage slavery. In feudalism (and socialism) the state owns all the property and determines its disposition. In capitalism the person who creates the property owns it, and determines its disposition in a competitive free market. Tyrants, grifters, thieves, slavers and other kinds of socialists or feudalists hate competition and private property. They want to use the deadly force of the state to take other people’s property and do what they themselves like with the property. They are thieves and robbers, liars and swindlers, all of them. Socialism is a criminal racket and armed robbery sanctioned by state armies and deadly force. If you are a socialist you are threatening to imprison or kill your neighbor if he doesn’t hand over his wealth or property for your benefit. Just because you get someone else (the police) to do the cutting for you, doesn’t make you any less the robber.

    Robber barons were not capitalist. They were socialist robbers using state power to protect their rackets and squeeze out competition, the very opposite of the idea of capitalism. Marxists have muddied the water by introducing new, flexible, essentially meaningless terms like, ‘monopoly capitalism’ to distract from the monopoly nature of socialism.

    America is not, ‘monopoly capitalist’. Monopoly is what feudalism maintained. Original capitalism was a revolt against the monopoly power of the state. Socialism is a return to feudalism, disguised as liberation theology by the use of clever word games and propaganda. Instead of the king granting the letters patent to secure monopolies, a cabal of legislators serve the same purpose through legislation and regulation. It is much more difficult to take down 535 sockpuppet dictators than it is one monarch. But it is still the same system owned by the same aristocratic families.

    Socialism mass murdered dozens of millions of people in the last century. Socialism was patterned on the USA model of Bellamy federalism, which is feudalism. A rose by any other name is a rose just the same. The appearance of the whole scam is ‘democracy’ when the substance is the same as it ever was–a racist aristocracy that considers itself descended from a divine bloodline, ruling over the mass of people that they consider racially inferior to themselves. Or did you forget the doctrine of the ‘divine right of kings’ was a racial doctrine?

    Your rulers consider themselves racially superior to you and me. They are descended from the royal and aristocratic bloodlines of the ancient world. They are taught from childhood that they are blessed with ‘divine lineage’ and by ‘divine right’ have the right to rule over the rabble by any means and deception necessary. This is their occult religion and that is why you see their occult symbols everywhere in their government logos and flags.

    The US flag is one example. The red and white stripes are from the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian aristocracy and royalty. They wore capes with red and white stripes. The blue field with stars was an ancient Egyptian banner of the nobility of Egypt. The fake pablum meaning of the flag is the deceptive explanation that they give to the ‘profane’.

    The US seal is another example. The eye of Horus atop the pyramid is from the same Pharonic nobility. It signifies their control over the people through a network of spies, symbolized by the pyriamid. Their spies consist of numerous intelligence agencies, government departments, police, courts, secret societies and even hidden societies, all which report ‘upward’ in the pyramid structure. To the uninitiated they all seem disconnected. To those who understand they can see that all of these organs serve one head honcho, whether wittingly or unwittingly. In order to confuse and divide people, the spies promote ridiculous conspiracy theories so that people don’t realize much of the spying is done by the government, and instead focus their onus on one group, such as freemasons. In reality, most government agents are generating data that is collected by the hidden rulers through various channels and many government agents don’t even realize what they are participating in.

    The world is ruled by racist religious zealots and such has been the case for many centuries. These zealots are descended from ancient Mesopotamian nobility in Babylon and Egypt. They consider their noble bloodlines of ‘superior stock’ and ‘noble breeding.’

    They give you ‘anti-racist’ action as a go-nowhere ‘rebellion’ that will never overthrow them. This is why they use Jew-baiting to use the Jews as a scapegoat to distract from the real racism regime. This is why right now there is a war in Gaza–to distract from the joint Putin and Zelinski regime killing and oppressing Christians in Ukraine. Both Putin and Zelinski are part of the same aristocracy, and they are working together, while pretending to be enemies. In the same way Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, and FDR were working together to scapegoat Jews and Christians in Germany. This is the false feud scam. And the aristocracy have employed this brainwashing tactic for centuries to keep their serfs loyal by colluding in false conflict with other rulers. This exploits the self-preservation instinct of the serfs on both sides, to galvanize their loyalty to the rulers that are exploiting them.

    The Republican vs Democrat dog and pony show is a long-running false feud scam. Other false feud scams include Catholic vs Protestant, Left vs Right. There is no real conflict between these groups because they all promote the same systemic structure with mere cosmetic differences that bedazzle and captivate the victims of the scam. No matter which side ‘wins’ in the struggle, the chieftains who created the sides remain in hidden control over them.

    Until people learn that their neighbor is their neighbor and should always come first before any loyalty to an identity or party, this will never change. The rulers exploit this weakness of the human psyche to, ‘divide and rule’ by creating the identities and parties to divide the people against each other.

    “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

    In the end it all boils down to religion and religious war. The rulers are a religious cult that believes they are descended from ancient ‘gods’ with ‘superior blood’ or ‘better breeding’. The rulers believe that the rest of us are racially inferior and by this eugenics mentality that we should be subject to their capricious and arbitrary will. So they construct numerous adverse parties, ideologies, religions, sects, schools, and systems to keep the rest of us fighting with each other while they exploit our labor. Original capitalism was a rebellion against this economic religion of the aristocracy. Socialism is a return to this racialist religion of deception and hate. The rulers have declared racial holy war against the rest of us, and by means of deception and brainwashing they have waged their holy war upon us for centuries.

  • Yes the USA loots its own citizens as a matter of constant policy. Even though USA produces so much oil it would have no problem looting a few buckets if the rich who own the politicians would benefit from it. Perhaps an example is in order.

    A certain ice cream plant produces ice cream in upstate New York.

    The ice cream is shipped to Phoenix, Arizona. They load 44,000 lbs. of the ice cream on a freezer truck. The freezer truck drives 2,200 miles from Jamestown, NY to Phoenix, AZ and delivers the ice cream, which is then distributed to supermarkets in the Phoenix area.

    The same freezer truck then drives about 5 miles across Phoenix, to an ice cream plant. The ice cream plant loads the truck with 44,000 lbs. of ice cream. Then the semi hauls the ice cream 2150 miles to Erie, PA, just 50 miles away from Jamestown, NY, where it started.

    So over 4000 miles worth of diesel fuel was burned, to move ice cream 50 miles en toto.


    Because the ultra rich aristocrats own all the companies. They own the ice cream plants, and they own the trucking company, and they own the oil company that produces the diesel to run the truck and refrigerated trailer.

    Since they are all in cahoots, they rig the prices of everything. They also rig the tax rates since they own the politicians, in such a way that the tax system crushes the smaller competitors and keeps them in control of markets and production. This is the real purpose of the progressive income tax on wages and small businesses, to crush them and funnel their capital into the hands of the fat cats on Wall Street and the corporate sector. Such taxes have virtually no effect on these giant conglomerates, who pass the cost of tax off onto the investor, taxpayer, and small businesses that can manage to hang on in such a market.

    And this is why USA would invade another country over oil or any other resource. To crush and control competition so that prices for everything may be kept artificially inflated for maximum profit, and so that the means of production remains under their control.

    In order to stay on top, they move endless hordes of trucks 4000+ miles in order to have a net movement of ice cream 50 miles. This only makes economic sense when the scheme is devised to cut out all potential non-aristocratic competition.

    This is what socialism is really about. And this is why the rich fund socialist revolution at every turn. And this is why the rich pay their parrots to squawk about capitalism, when we don’t even have capitalism. We have a centrally-managed, socialist economy–capitalism for the poor, who have no capital, and socialism for the rich, who have all the capital.

    Thus the capital of the poor continues to flow one direction, to the rich, and if the rich get into trouble, the government takes more capital from the poor to bail out the rich. That is socialism, not capitalism.

    Real capitalism doesn’t have bailouts and central management and endless regulatory red tape that favors the rich corporate bosses. Real capitialism is everyone fighting like cats and dogs to provide the best product at the lowest prices, which has not been happening in America since the days before Rockefeller and Standard Oil. So when political weenies gripe about ‘capitalism’ they don’t realize what they are saying, because we live under a hardline socialist regime in the USA. People are decieved by word games into not even understanding their own reality.

    So when another country’s resource exports would threaten the aristocracy’s control of prices and supply in the international market, the US regime sends them democracy bombs.



  • The meter is an French fascist measurement made by the court jester.

    “Since 2019 the metre has been defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of
    1/299792458 of a second …” [Wikipedia]

    What is wrong with this definition?

    The metre claims to be a ‘non-imperial’ basis of measurement.

    But the basis of the metre is the imperial or ephemeral second, which is the ultimate imperial measurement. Seconds are an imperial unit. The measurement of time is fundamental to the ruler … get it?

    So the arbitrarily devised metre is founded upon the imperial second. Oops. Now why again did you say the metric system is ‘superior’ to the imperial system?

    Metric supremacists are fascist rubes who don’t realize they were pwnd by the empire before their rebellion even had a name or gang sign. They wanted to overthrow the king and based their coup on the king’s fundamental unit of regal measurement: time. Oops. This is a case of killing the baby in the cradle.

    Imperial units of measurement are based upon things found in nature. The second is a division of the solar and astronomical day. A second is 1/86400th of a day, and is based again on sexigesimal math, which is found EVERYWHERE in nature.

    Every good programmer should already know where this is going.

    Day: 86400 seconds.
    Day: 24 hours.
    Hour: 3600 seconds.
    Hour: minute squared.
    Minute: 60 seconds.
    3600 seconds * 24 hours = 86400 seconds.
    60 seconds * 60 minutes = 3600 seconds = 1 hour

    There is nothing arbitrary about this. The imperial measurement is neatly aligned to solar and astronomical cycles and to the latitudes and longitudes of the earth. In short, the imperial system of measurement had already measured the equatorial and tropical circuits of the earth and the sun’s path over 3000 years ago, and based measurements upon that.

    Then along came the metric aristocrats, who pretended this had never been done before, speculated a _false_ circumference of the earth, and came up with a flawed metre based on that false measurement, then changed it decades later to the distance traveled by light in an imperial second, unaware that no constant speed of light has yet been proved conclusively, but only assumed.

    Whereas the imperial system is based upon measurements which have been observed unchanged, verifiable, and reproducible, FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

    Tell me again why the metric system is, ‘superior’?

    The metre is merely a speculation and the so-called speed of light has NOT been conclusively proven, considering special relativity and all that other aristocratic bollocks. Also complicating the matter is the specific definition of, “light traveling in a vacuum.” OK, sparky, how are you going to locate a laboratory in a vacuum at least 1 light second in length to conduct this experimental measurement and prove it?

    This fallacy is called an ‘unfalsifiable’ claim. Yup, The metric system is based upon a pseudo-scientific conjecture and fallacy. Whereas the imperial system is based upon thousands of years of repeatable observation. And yet ‘scientists’ somehow are confused about the reality of the situation.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, worldwide science and academia have been growing progressively more delusional for the past couple of centuries.

    In the end the aristocrats will bow to the king they hate. Thank God Americans have refused to bow to this dumb idol. Stay strong Murrikanz.

    Here’s a shout out to the limeys who still weigh in stones! Long live the king’s foot!
