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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • What I’m getting from reading these responses is that exercise can alleviate some of the crushing effects of depression, but because it’s difficult and time consuming, you’ll need a better reason for it than just “I’m suppose to” otherwise you’ll just be making your life harder and creating an unhealthy relationship with exercise.

    Everybody has to fight through the first few months to genuinely create a good workout habit, but if you start small (such as a 20 minute walk 3-4 days a week), you’ll be able to ease into the really good stuff without so much hardship. The plan is to be working out for life, so what’s the rush?

    I believe the army created negative associations in me about exercise, since they used it as punishment and I always had the anxiety of my next PT test hanging over my head. It took a few years to disentangle myself from those connections and begin working out the way I wanted to and really seeing the results I was looking for. Now, after ~5 years of very frequent exercise, I’m finally getting to the point where I feel like it’s a net positive to my mental health.

  • Not even just that. My dad didn’t go to college, he joined the military at 18. He walked away from that and landed an engineering job with no degree. Now, he’s in a position that would ask for a masters minimum making nearly 300k a year.

    I joined the military and walked away with bad knees and a list of phone numbers to get a job in the trades. Don’t get me wrong, I took it, but damn I’m sure as hell not making anything near what he was at my age.

  • Depends on a lot of things. I started an apprenticeship machining, and now I want to turn my garage into a machine shop.

    I think the important thing is that you make sure you keep some of it for you.

    If I did turn my garage into a machine shop, it would be tempting to start taking orders. That’s where my hobby would turn into more work, having to meet orders and timelines.

  • We don’t know the full story. I’d generally agree with you that family is more important than random strangers, and we should make more effort with family that we would with strangers. But that only goes so far, and the family members need to be making similar efforts, it can’t all be the children’s responsibility to retain good will while the parent routinely damages the relationship.

    The OP already said they’d given their mom 6 years, that’s clearly the “family” effect, they have their mother many many more chances than they would a stranger.

    I don’t know what your relationship looks like with your parents, hopefully it’s lovely, but once you’re an adult the power dynamic needs to change dramatically. My parents no longer control me and can’t tell me how to live my life. They can provide advice, which I generally cherish because they’re more experienced in life than me, but if they try to strongarm me into their choice like they did when I was their legal charge, I tell them “NO”

  • It’s just a case of different opinions, I think. Or perhaps they think reddit having 100’s of millions of users is creating the problems, and that they won’t exist here if those same voices came to Lemmy. But I would mostly just say it’s two different groups of people asking for two different things.

    I’m in the boat that Lemmy has fully replaced reddit for me and I don’t feel the need to go convincing more people to jump ship. The people who cared about the health of Reddit as a platform have already come to Lemmy, the people who don’t, or need the massive userbase to use a website? They can stay there.

  • Music streaming is just … Objectively better for everybody. Small bands can be heard, hence the indy scene booming so hard, consumers can access their content anywhere there’s internet.

    I think you miss the ritual around getting physical media and having a session where you just sit back and listen to the album for the first time. You could try to replicate it, but I think child-like wonder was the main ingredient ;)

  • I’m taking this opportunity to vent. I just got back from a year long deployment from a snowy, mountainous region. I’m geared for cold, used to the cold. Even at the hieght of summer there, it was like … 70°F. They decided to demobilize us in El Paso, TX!!! It’s murderously hot here every day, and our barracks don’t have AC!!! So after walking around all day in a head to toe uniform in Texas desert heat, I don’t even get the luxury of feeling cold, crisp air 😭😭😭