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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • I can’t help feeling that Elon had one of his “you’re all useless and fired” moments with a designer who pointed out some fact or other about aerodynamics and broad appeal, and Elon just said. “It’s easy. Give me a pen… Look. There you go. Truck. CYBER truck. It’s so cool. I told you it was easy.”
    They said “OK we’ll use this style and flesh it out into a design the engineers can work to.”
    “No, just give them this. This is how it should look.”
    “No, who’s in charge here? Do you want to be fired too? It has to look like this. Make it like this. Otherwise you’re fired.”
    “OK I’ll give it to the aerodynamicists to get it to work as close as possible to this.”
    “WTF?! Don’t give it to those idiots, JUST MAKE IT LIKE THIS. If it DOESN’T look JUST LIKE THIS, you’re FIRED.”
    “OK Elon.”
    “It had better FUCKING LOOK LIKE THIS.”
    “Got it, Elon. Exactly like this.”

  • Women can wear what they like on the beach, but they would absolutely be sent home if they came into my workplace dressed like that, it would be deemed highly inappropriate, and I can’t be looking at pictures of all that on my phone in my lunch break, it would similarly be deemed inappropriate.

    I don’t dress formally at work because of my own preferences for clothing, or because I sexualise people who don’t, I do it because my workplace has rules about that.

    Memes, yes, midriffs, no. That is all. I don’t get why you find a formal work environment like that so incomprehensible.

    You’re the one with the problem here.

    Yes. One easily and simply solved with the Not Suitable For Work tag. No need to get all cross and condemnatory about it, just use the tag as designed and we all win. We can filter and curate them whenever we like to whatever extent matches our own preferences and situational demands.

  • You can say I shouldn’t be on social media at work as much as you like, but until you’re writing my pay cheques, it doesn’t mean anything. We lead different lives, you and I. I’m sorry that your work doesn’t allow you down time at lunch, but try not to hate on me for working at a place that does.

    All I’m asking is that folks use the Not Suitable For Work tag on things that are not suitable for work. I just don’t see that as a particularly big or bad thing to ask.

    What makes you so keen to see this stuff at work anyway?

  • I claim that it’s quite clear that this is not suitable for work. HR are not going to get cross with me for browsing memes in my lunch break on my phone, but if this comes up, it’s clearly not OK, and I don’t think I’m at all unusual in having a work environment like that.

    I’m just asking that we try to use Not Suitable For Work to mean not suitable for work. You might feel that my workplace is weird, but that’s not what you’re arguing, so I think you’re kind of missing the point of the tag. Yay internet freedom and all that, but tagging something that’s very likely to get someone in trouble at work as NSFW is just being a considerate person. That’s all. People are still free to see it, but it gives them the freedom to choose to filter it out and use their phone when they’re on a break at work.

  • Censorship is where the government bans books and libraries etc because they disagree with the ideas in them. There’s real censorship going on in the USA just now. This isn’t censorship, it’s feed curation - just some folks wanting to not have scantily clad figures show up on their phone in their lunch break.

    It’s not wilful stupidity, it’s wanting some good old random entertainment on a break at work without some colleague harassing you for an inappropriate image which you could have had filtered out if people who didn’t use the feature at all didn’t spend so much time arguing that the inappropriate image should be viewed by those who do.

    Calm down a bit and let other people use lemmy how they like. It’s a free country. (apart from all the real life censorship, of course, and the lack of bodily autonomy women have in the USA), all that kind of stuff.

    Summary: other people are different to you and live in a different context. Try not to be cross about this.

  • But I’d like the Not Suitable For Work feature to filter posts that are not suitable for work. It’s curation, just a different way to your preferred way. If you don’t want to use the NSFW features, just turn them off. No need to be cross about it. It’s in settings.

    (Your point about ankles is badly made, in my view. I think you were arguing the point that because there’s no objective speed that separates slow from fast, there’s no difference between slow and fast, but that doesn’t make sense in the real world. It might be hard to judge sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I should be shouted at for advocating an opinion on voluntary speed limits!)