Das Hirn vergisst, die Finger erinnern.
Das Hirn vergisst, die Finger erinnern.
E-Bike schiebt nur bis 25. Für die Ebene ist das zu lahm.
Ich trage meinen Teil bei
You can clean clothes in a. Ultrasonic bath?
Get a weekly newspaper on physical paper. All of the news, none of the day to day hype.
But that’s just a net without the inter part
Maybe being bombarded with cookie banners and bullshit popups teaches you to ignore dialog boxes.
That applies to most fields, doesn’t it? Any heuristic will be a simplification and becoming an expert in any domain involves knowing when you can apply a heuristic or approximation or model and when you cannot.
It’s just so intense and realistic. I’ve learned to cope with splatter, but this is personal and cruel.
American History X. I wasn’t ready for the curb scene.
There’s embedded rust for a few platforms. Using it on ESPs is fun
Bass is what travels best through mixed media, so during our time in the womb it is what we get from the outside (and inside for that matter)
I love “unimplemented!”
Is there a newbie guide to reputable brands on AE?
Wahrscheinlich läuft das eher so das die zentrale sagt “wir brauchen 10000 VW Up, wer kann die zu welchem Preis bauen?”
ComicRack is a fantastic app for reading and managing a collection across devices
A single key is as slim as any card…