Wow, I thought I was the only person who didn’t know anything about coffee!
Wow, I thought I was the only person who didn’t know anything about coffee!
Do not allow humans to pick your stocks. I recommend ETF index funds as opposed to Mutual funds. Mutual funds, or any fund that is controlled by humans, could morph into something else, i.e., whatever gets them the highest return. In an extreme example, you could buy a Green mutual fund only to find out later that it shifted a lot of its investments to fossil fuel companies. Index Funds pick a sector and follow it brainlessly. No broker or manager f#ckery.
I mean, Coke sells smaller sodas….🤷
I hate olives. I looooove olive oil.
I worked with a stunt coordinator once who told one of his guys that he was going to drop him, lying parallel to the ground, from the ceiling. He wouldn’t be able to brace his fall (as he was supposed to be dead), so he told his guy he’d just have to “cowboy up.” Not sure that’s a better phrase, but it’s got more color.
Drivers are going hit hit that bridge while trying to figure out wtf that sign means.