Bona fide idiot

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Probably not the longest, but the most ridiculous. We have a big free African music festival in our city and there are loads of different food stalls with great food. There was a Kenyan one that my best friend really wanted to go to as she lived in Kenya when she was a kid, and the queue was big which usually means good food. However once we were in the queue we realised the queue was moving really slowly… No matter, it must be worth it when we get there surely… After 45 mins I really wanted to go somewhere else but the sunk cost fallacy and the thought of getting in another queue made me stay… After over an hour we finally get to the front and realise that the reason it’s so slow is because they have the most illogical ordering system that doesn’t make sense, and even the staff seem totally confused. An hour and a half later we finally get our food and it’s ok. Just ok. In a big field full of amazing food we managed to pick the most mediocre one, and stupidly queued along with loads of other stupid queueing people for no good reason except being in a queue.

  • charlytune@mander.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlLET'S GOOOOOOO
    11 months ago

    QED is actually the opposite of a conspiracy theory channel or organisation. They’re very pro science and critical thinking, and spend a lot of time debunking conspiracy theories and pseudo-science.

    I’ve got no skin in the debate in this thread, I didn’t watch the actual video and have no opinion on the validity of what you or the other posters are saying, I’m just pointing out that I think that you’re wrong to dismiss the channel as a source, even if you disagree with the claims made in that specific video.

  • Oh you’ve just reminded me of my saddest meal, when I had no money. All I had was dried pasta, half a jar of pickled onions, a tin of baked beans (British ones not sweet) and one crust of a loaf of bread. Cool, I can do baked beans on toast. Toasted the bread, heated the beans in a pan. As I took the pan off the heat the handle and the pan decided to take that moment to part ways, and pan and beans fell to the floor. Floor was filthy, and we had a rat issue as well as a pet cat, so scraping the beans up wasn’t an option. I cried. I was so hungry Ended up cooking the pasta and putting some pickled onions on. Tried to eat it, couldn’t, cried some more, and then went to a friend’s house to beg to be fed.

    I can’t actually eat instant noodles now because I survived on them back then. Used to be able to get 10 packs for £1 in a shop near me, and I probably ate them at least once a day.

  • charlytune@mander.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlI'd like to know
    1 year ago

    It’s a myth. For a start most people’s hayfever isn’t anything to do with flower pollen, it’s grass and tree pollen and fungal spores. Pollen and spores can be carried by air currents and travel long distances. The flowers your local honey comes from are unlikely to be causing your hayfever. You should buy local honey over commercial honey though because it supports small producers.

  • Gen X woman here, I started using dark mode a couple of years ago when I was really suffering from Long Covid, and using any kind of screen was a trigger for fatigue so bad I’d need to go lie down and sleep before I collapsed. I read up on managing screen work with fatigue conditions, and dark mode was suggested. As soon as I tried it it was like loads of noise went quiet in my brain, and it just felt calmer. I also suspect I may be autistic and / or ADHD and this may also be a factor. I have to have everything on dark mode now, light mode just feels so shouty and loud.