• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • So you can find things by “that spicy chicken recipe” instead of having to remember what it was actually called, or slog through a gazillion chicken recipes in your history when you realise that “spicy” was nowhere in the name. Basically stemming/thesaurus search on steroids.

    It’s quite likely to be opt-in as I imagine ingesting the sites you’re looking at is a significant computational load. The translators are also opt-in, there’s enough stuff inbuilt to detect languages but not to translate, you have to download those models first. And they’re quite good btw.

    Another thing I could see them offering is stuff like tl;dr bot. It’s probably not for everyone, but I definitely can see that it can be a useful feature for many people.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMildred
    3 months ago

    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
    Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
      But the silence was unbroken, and the stillness gave no token,
      And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore?”
    This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, “Lenore!”—
           Merely this and nothing more.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe Fediverse
    3 months ago

    anyone can host an email service

    Eh, no. You could in the 2000s, nowadays spam protection is so tight, and necessarily that tight, that you need at least a full-time position actively managing the server or you’re getting blacklisted for some reason or the other. Other servers will simply not accept emails sent by you if you don’t look legit and professional.

    Definitely possible for a company with IT department, as a small company you want to outsource it (emails being on your domain doesn’t mean you’re managing the server), as a hobbyist, well you might be really into it but generally also no. Send protonmail or posteo or whoever a buck or something a month.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIroning
    3 months ago

    Oh that’s easy (and probably disappointing): None. Not really a hobby of mine, more of an extension to doing the laundry and being a cheapskate who can’t fathom buying something new when you can fix it in the time it takes to listen to a podcast episode.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldIroning
    3 months ago

    The other really valid reason is linen. Kinda unrelated to sewing itself and it’s not about stopping the stuff from crinkling (that’s right-out impossible), but to make sure that crinkles don’t always appear in the same place so the fabric has a chance of wearing down evenly.

    Found this out the hard way because my linen duvet covers are oversized – nominal size is correct, but they’re made for down blankets, not flat ones. Blanket slides inside, generally towards the bottom, leaving a fabric flap on the top that really tends to crinkle as you sleep, wash, hang up, the crinkles don’t straighten out, exact same crinkles appear in the exact same spot and get chafed while sleeping, rinse and repeat for two years the first hole starts appearing, a month later there’s more than you can be bothered to patch.

    Luckily it was a simple matter of running a stitch down the length of the thing to shorten it a bit, but given that an iron and ironing mat (not a full table, mat is completely sufficient) is significantly cheaper than linen covers or just the material for them, definitely worth the investment and time.

    Oh and yes linen covers are definitely worth it because moisture regulation. It’s also nice and soft – not in the silky smooth sense, it has definitive grip to it. So are linen kitchen towels because they actually dry stuff instead of spreading water around. Half-linen is already a massive upgrade over cotton in that area and it’s much cheaper (the main reason why full linen is so expensive is because it’s a bugger to weave, not because the yarn is that much more expensive. Weaving linen wefts into cotton warps OTOH is pretty uncomplicated).

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    3 months ago

    Ok. We’re on the prairie. There’s literally nothing here to eat but bison, though somehow you’ve got it into your head that you can eat grass. Fine, we’ll let you try for a bit until you come to your senses. Two weeks later your digestion is fucked, you’re lethargic, and we have to carry you.

    You, MindTraveller, have just become a burden to the whole group, lowering all of our chances of survival, all over some so-called “principle”. I know of gods, I know of spirits, if your principles are anything like that then certainly they must be evil. Maybe shaming won’t help to drive them out, we can try other rites, but if nothing helps then we will have to leave you behind.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    3 months ago

    “wait why did I support this and then stop the second they said ‘dog’?

    It’s a bad idea in general to eat predators because the higher up the food chain you go the higher the chance you’ll contract an illness. Humans are not alone at all among predators to practically only go after grazers, and not other predators. We leave the rest to carrion eaters who specialise to deal with all kinds of nasty stuff.

    People thinking that this is some kind of grand ethical-philosophical argument or conundrum just shows how alienated they are from the ways of nature.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldnon vegan pizza time
    3 months ago

    They’re overpaying for them. Which them makes companies calculate “we could sell a lot of product at small profit margins to the general vegetarian and flexi public” vs. “we could not invest in production capacity and charge affluent urban vegans and arm and a leg” and guess what they’re going for.

    The reason why there’s tons of almond etc. milks costing 3-4 times as much per litre as actual milk is not because of subsidies. It’s because vegans are stupid enough to buy 20 cents of ingredients for that price.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    4 months ago

    Muss ja nichts falsch dran sein. Traditionell sind in Italien Eiernudeln frisch aber auch da gibt’s die getrocknet im Supermarkt.

    Wer einen Netto (ohne Hund) in der Nähe hat der kann mal deren Tagliatelle ausprobieren, die die durch Bronzeformen gedrückt wurden. Ist so ein schönes Zwischending: Weder Teflonglatt noch sauteuer weil irgendein Fanatiker jedes Weizenkorn mit der Hand ausliest.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    4 months ago

    Das eigentliche Verbrechen ist Tomatensauce Bolognese zu nennen. Die Hackfleischeinlage tut’s dann auch nicht mehr, das Original ist ein Ragout und Tomate ist absolut optional.

    Italiener kippen übrigens auch Ei in Nudeln, und nicht nur in Tirol, und auch in Tagliatelle (gibt’s standardmäßig zum Ragout). Das ist alles eher ein Dialektkontinuum.

    Was Bologneserezept angeht: Versuch’s mal mit Suppenfleisch, welches Tier auch immer und gerne gemischt (es geht hier um Resteverwertung), in Scheiben geschnitten (ca. 5-10mm), dazu gewichtsmäßig die gleiche Menge Wein (Rot, Halbtrocken weil Gerbstoffe, nicht zu sauer), Suppengemüse (oder halt Soffritto is eh das gleiche), klein genug gehäckselt dass es zerkocht, ein paar Stunden oder im Schnellkochtopf die Hälfte köcheln lassen, Fleisch rausfischen, mit Gabeln zerreißen, wieder rein, nochmal gerne ne Stunde reduzieren, am Ende eingeweichte Gelatine dazu, Endresultat sollte so in Richtung Demiglace mit Zeug drin gehen. Säuregehalt am Ende mit Tomatenmark einstellen – oder halt nicht, wenn’s so schon passt. Wenn die Scheiben dicker sind gibt’s zu lange Fasern, Gelatine könnte man auch aus Knochen bekommen (auch Geschmack) aber dann hat man’s auch mit Splittern zu tun. Portionsweise einfrieren (es gibt da so genial große Eiswürfelformen)

    So eine Portion laesst sich wunderbar in der Pfanne auftauen, klassische Technik mit Nudelwasser usw. Klassisch wie gesagt mit Tagliatelle, schimpft sich in Bologna dann Tagliatelle al Ragù, Fusilli passen auch gut und ja Spätzle gehen auch würde ich jetzt aber als suboptimal ansehen aber vielleicht mögen einige die Konsistenz. Farfalle hab ich auch schon gehört aber mit denen stehe ich auf Kriegsfuß weil al dente ist bei denen unmöglich. Packung Buttergemüse dazu geht auch gut um etwas frisches Gemüse dabei zu haben.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    4 months ago

    Also, you need a supported card. I have a potato going by the name RX 5500, not on the supported list. I have the choice between three rocm versions:

    1. An age-old prebuilt, generally works, occasionally crashes the graphics driver, unrecoverably so… Linux tries to re-initialise everything but that fails, it needs a proper reset. I do need to tell it to pretend I have a different card.
    2. A custom-built one, which I fished out of a docker image I found on the net because I can’t be arsed to build that behemoth. It’s dog-slow, due to using all generic code and no specialised kernels.
    3. A newer prebuilt, any. Works fine for some, or should I say, very few workloads (mostly just BLAS stuff), otherwise it simply hangs. Presumably because they updated the kernels and now they’re using instructions that my card doesn’t have.

    #1 is what I’m actually using. I can deal with a random crash every other day to every other week or so.

    It really would not take much work for them to have a fourth version: One that’s not “supported-supported” but “we’re making sure this things runs”: Current rocm code, use kernels you write for other cards if they happen to work, generic code otherwise.

    Seriously, rocm is making me consider Intel cards. Price/performance is decent, plenty of VRAM (at least for its class), and apparently their API support is actually great. I don’t need cuda or rocm after all what I need is pytorch.

  • barsoap@lemm.eetoich_iel@feddit.deich🏳️‍🌈iel
    4 months ago

    Die nach außen gerichteten Aggressionen gibt’s auch bei Frauen, nennt sich Stutenbissigkeit, und bei Männern auch die Antriebslosigkeit, nennt sich burnout. Zugrunde liegen in allen vier Fällen idR Ohnmachtsgefühle irgendeiner Art: Das eigene Leben nicht so leben zu können dass es mit den eigenen Instinkten in Einklang steht.

    Beides absolut unterdiagnostiziert weil’s nicht dem Narrativ entspricht. Und auch wenn man’s diagnostiziert gegen Kapitalismus gibt’s halt keine Pillen. (Burnout mag man als “das wird doch diagnostiziert” ansehen wollen – aber eben halt erst wenn Menschen erwerbsunfähig werden. Angefangen hat das normalerweise schon mindestens 10 Jahre früher).