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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • No, the goal is to sleep in silence. When I’m able to put aside my worries and truly rest I don’t need any noise or background hum to be completely out.

    I only use a short video (under my pillow at mom volume so I can barely hear it) to get to sleep and then I’m usually out for a long time.

    I’ve always felt that much of getting to sleep and what makes it easy to rest is training to some extent. Changing the ambient noise (especially if you move homes) can really screw things up until you get used to the normal noises of the new location. While that happens I’ll use something to fuzz the ambient sounds, but I’ll actively remove the white nose or background video over time so I acclimate to the new normal.

    I consider it a worthwhile goal to be able to sleep without aids, if possible. Most of the real trouble is in my head (or a neighbor with fucking loud music at 2am to be dealt with), so when I have control I seek silence and a mental even keel when possible.

  • Banjo’s got a general bad rap from it’s portrayal in many movies and shows. It is also a very different sound than guitar which a good number of people find discordant (it’s also easier to make it be loud and discordant, which happens with new players).

    Well done banjo is just fine, but there’s a knee jerk negative response to its name.

  • azimir@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlDemocrats and The Left
    3 months ago

    I’m holding that saw and waiting while the fascist right continues to boil itself to death. It’s a question of whether we boil with it or not.

    The Dems are a center right party and we’re stuck with a (mostly) two party system because of our First Past the Post voting system. That means I vote for the one of two choices closest to me, so Dems it is in the general election.

    Give me a Ranked Choice Vote and Dems move to my #2 slot under an actual progressive party candidate.


  • My conclusion is that many of those who act in a bullying or antisocial manner are negative attention seeking.

    Everyone needs attention. It’s a human trait to seek attention. More or less attention depending upon the individual, but the need is always there.

    Ideally, people learn how to garner attention through positive routes. These can include friendships, helping others, awards, competition, sports, or music/theater performance. As children and growing up, we learn strategies to get attention. This is hopefully guided by our parents, authority figures, friends, and society to teach you ways to get attention in a positive and socially acceptable manner, with the best forms helping other people in the process.

    Unfortunately, not everyone either gets that formative training or just never understands. I thinks it’s more the former than the latter (instead discussion of sociopaths and psychopathy here). Many of the kids that I’ve been around who have bulling mentalities responded very well to an authority figure first standing them down, then working on attention positive strategies. They often just didn’t have the tools to integrate in a group without bullying to be seen. I’m not a trained social/psychologist professional, but I’ve worked with a lot of kids over the years, and this approach has worked the vast majority of the time.

    Adults who never figured out how to get positive attention seek negative attention. That loud muffler? It’s about demanding attention. The yelling in a restaurant? Attention. They are frustrated at the world sometimes because people don’t give them attention and one of their only tools in their toolbox to get attention is to be annoying because negative reactions are still reactions.

    I pity those people. That’s a sad life. It makes for bad transactional style friendships, hateful marriages, and leaves them ill equipped to raise children that will have positive tools in their own lives. If their children do figure out how to be positive in communities, that should also help them to see how their parents are toxic, so it’s a no win for the parent in that scenario.

    There’s, of course, always exceptions such has narcissistic traits, sociopaths, and other mental illnesses, but for most people looking at their behaviors through a lens of attention seeking frameworks fits well enough. Trolls online are to be pitied because they’re sad and want attention, but don’t know how to get it without bullying and trolling in life.

  • And a good chunk of our parties are now far far right.

    Added bonus: it’s not just socialism that we’re afraid of. We fear tons of things now. We’ve become a nation of fear and boiling hate under the hood and it’s truly toxic.

    Yes, I’ve been working to leave for a few years now. My children shouldn’t have to grow up in a culture of barely surviving, anxiety & fearful people scrabbling over scraps left to us by the ultra wealthy.

  • The Zip disks were much more robust than the Jazz drives. Our university had both in some departments during the era. The Zip disks lasted quite a while and did a good job (occasional failures). The Jazz drives had to be used on a perfectly stable surface because tapping them while they ran was a quick way to crash the head and destroy the disk.

    Art departments, audio work, and larger data sets were kept on Zip disks. Much of the network was still Cat 3 wire (or even thicknet) with 10/100 hubs. Many of the computers being used couldn’t move 100 MB with any real speed and many of them still had 1 GB internal hard disks. Burning a CD was still risky because Win95/98’s scheduler sucked donkey balls and they’d fail to burn properly. Early CD blanks were $5-$13 each, so it was a big deal to burn a lot of them.

    Also, there was no (or very little) centralized network file stores around campus. Most of the office workers had no place to even copy files to for sharing. You’d use the Zip disks and floppies for nearly everything if you couldn’t get the windows file sharing to work directly from one desktop to another.

    It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.