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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 26th, 2023

    1. Suffer through working life
    2. Retire, downsize, go see the world without having to convince a gf/partner

    Nothing wrong with disliking dating, it’s a screwy social ritual intended to use a short series of interactions to determine if this is a person you could trust and genuinely like enough to share everything - including tough mornings - and compromise with for the next fifty years.

    Works for some folks. Doesn’t work for others. I’m happily married, took a couple false starts and youthful indiscretions to get here - as well as the magic of the internet and some long discussions about relationships/commitment/poly/nonstandard stuff.

    Works for us, maybe not for most.

  • I’ve never heard them be interchangeable. Grew up in the NE US, PA, NY, FL, and MA.

    I’ve spent most of the last twenty years in the Midwest, and can’t think of a single example.

    The outlier would be very, very careful instructions - likely written - organized in an if/then fashion which is a totally different use case:

    • Where the coffee machine is empty and the old filter abd grounds have been removed…
    • Where the coffee machine is empty but the used filter and grounds are still present… (add step to deal with that case)
    • Where the moron before you forgot to turn off the burner after emptying the carafe…

    “Since” wouldn’t fit, at least without changing the instructions after the ellipsis.

    And of course the classic example: “since you are up, get me a beer…” also doesn’t really work. (Apologies to some long irrelevant redneck comedian for ripping that off to make a point).

    I’m trying in my head to make it fit in both casual and formal conversation, and it just won’t as far as I can tell.

    Would love a counterfactual where both work!

  • Right there with you on “just works,” as well as the simple fact that the config snippets you need are readily available - either in the repo of whatever you’re putting behind the proxy, or elsewhere on the internet.

    I consistently keep in mind that it’s ultimately an RU product, of course. But since it’s open source and changes relatively infrequently, that’s mitigated to a large degree from where I sit.

    Nothing against Caddy, though Apache gets heavy quickly from a maintenance standpoint, IMHO. But nginx has been my go to for many, many years per the above. It drops into oddball environments without having to rip and tear existing systems out by the roots, and it doesn’t care what’s behind it.

    Ages ago, I had a Tomcat app that happened to be supported indirectly by an embedded Jetty (?) app that didn’t properly support SSL certs in a sane way on its own.

    That was just fine to nginx and certbot, the little-but-important Jetty app just lived off to the side and functionally didn’t matter because with nginx and certbot, nothing else gave a crap - including the browser clients and the arcane build system that depended on that random Jetty app.

  • You and me both.

    Not too many years after that nightmare, I was perfectly capable of enjoying thru-hiking, carrrying exactly same weight anyone else would have been, moving at same speed on rough terrain, etc. Still couldn’t run a mile - or much shorter distances - in my wildest dreams. Didn’t matter, I was in exactly the shape I wanted to be in, for the things I cared about.

    Can’t do it anymore, my body widely conspired against me in various ways, but glad I was capable of it and have the memories. If I had been able to run a mile, but not hike any distance with weight, I’d be alot less happy about what I had achieved at that point.

  • With ya. I smoke an odd brand that’s hard to get, in a state that (rightfully) taxes the shit out of them.

    Still costs me an even C-note every two weeks, same as always. Have I cut back, probably. But mostly because I’ve started to face my own bullshit instead of expecting smoking to fix it for me.

    I straight up enjoy my Kamel Reds, and while I don’t want to model that to the next generation, I’m the better part of thirty pack-years in.

    I can either take the risk, or downright break all the other mental health progress I’ve made. Since I have a wife and some folks I care deeply about in my life, imma go with the mental health.

    For unrelated reasons, I once was an unmitigated SOB in any interaction. On the rare chances I’ve been in hospital, I’ve been miserable.

    Right or wrong, I prefer to communicate with people rather than attack them, and quitting now would not help that.

    RJR can have my money, they won’t get the next genration’s money. We have dispensaries, video gaming, and casinos on every corner in my state. My choice of vice could be far worse, and I’m kind of grateful that I settled on smokes, and not gambling.

  • Can you even do that anymore?

    I’m mid-forties, and that was what you did circa 99, and I was taught how to do it.

    But I can’t imagine a manager today wanting to deal with paper resume and walk-in application.

    (Also, if I hand you my resume, it means I’m going to skip the job history fields on the application. I hope manager can read and critically think enough to notice the resume and get that concept. Otherwise, I don’t want to work for you.

  • My company has a campus there (among several other places) and I’ve abs ruled out any chance of landing there. Not just because screw you, I am more effective WFH, not less, but because the highly vocal haters populating the area make me look like an asshole just for living there.

    I’m also particularly sensitive to heat, but car ac is a thing. I just can’t justify supporting and effectively representing TX. Not a lot of good ways to state that I’m an ally of anyone misunderstood or whose rights have been trampled, while living in a state that consistently makes news for the exact opposite.

    Not worried about colleagues who know me, but if I want to make a move into a new position - internal or external - and the hiring mgr or hr rep is e.g., my friend who went through NB and landed on male, whose decision I respect, how the hell can I possibly claim to support them or any other group, if I’m daily buying gas and food in TX?

  • Respect for staying and staying strong. That devolution has been rapid and concerning.

    You sticking around encourages every person (disclosed or otherwise) in any of those groups to stay, and eventually force that SOB running your state out.

    My partner is a huge Disney fan, and I see behind the magic and respect everything they do to hide the actual mechanics of it all. It pains us that we can’t get on a WN flight to MCO because we refuse to spend money (that we are aware of) in states behaving that way generally.

    We miss Nashville, too, as well as a place between Nashville and Orlando that sells stuff people failed to “claim” for cheap.

    But I’m not buying gas in GA or FL, much less anything else, in the current environment.

    Miami once was a haven and a melting pot, and I personally welcome everyone to this country. But… current state of affairs.

    I couldn’t do it, we are both straight and a conventional married couple (mosly, aside from things that are no one’s biz). We fled a Midwest state because, among other things, we got tired of defending that WE wore masks/used hand sanitizer over a period of years.

    Fuck those people, we are not hurting them by vexing cautious. Turns out (it seems, per current research) we were right.

    The diesel bros are slowly feeling the long term results.

  • I carry a bunch of pride for all of my favorite places I’ve lived in (I was easily bored in my early 20s), but…


    Kidding, ofc, friend.

    Lived up and down the east coast along the way, including places whose current inhabitants I would not want to publicly associate myself with.

    South Central PA wasn’t per se “appealing,” but it was home for many years so I get it. Neither good nor bad, just home, but easily judged.

    I still smile a lil when I happen to cross US 30 and notice it, so I get it. Feels like I “could” make that turn and be “home”

    OC, MD was “the” vacation dest growing up so…. I have very little affinity for Jersey. A few years working for a guy who was proudly “from JC” (sorta) and a giant dick didn’t help my perspective, to be honest.

  • Call it Champaign-Urbana.

    I am juuuust outside the MSA, without doxxing myself too badly.

    Chicago is accessible, if I plan around a few hrs drive or an Amtrak that’s not crazy far.

    We are collectively mostly left-leaning though the UIUC students prob skew that to some degree. We landed here because it was a reasonably affordable place, close enough to something else to be feasible for holidays, and also close enough to a major ish city that not WFH would be on the table, maybe.

    Got here via south central PA, New England, and marrying a girl from Kettlecorn, KS who missed the flatlands.

    I miss the mountains, but I’m also sane and honest with myself - the local bouldering place is as close as I’m getting to a mountain, at my age.

    That makes me sad, having hiked up plenty of mountains back before I fell off the “fitness cliff”…

  • Not aware of a FOSS 1:1, but that sounds like Ghost or your blogging platform of choice.

    Except WP, if self hosting, IMHO. Wordpress == PHP == trouble and risk. I don’t mean to malign WP specifically, but if you’re a noob, you want to avoid exposing PHP to the public internet - especially if there’s any possibility you’ll eventually forget about maintaining and upgrading.

    Just too damn easy for some threat actor to come along and exploit a vuln you missed, in the software or the web server or WP.

    That said, years of WP taught me that, roughly, you want “pages” linking to “posts” ( == chapters). In theory, the former is a permanent reference and the latter is dynamic to some degree.

    In reality, the existence of search engines before enshittification means the two have been conflated frequently.

    Pages would often get links in a sidebar or menu. Posts might get buried much farther down, but can also be linked to. They’re often, but not always, time—specific.

    “2023 NY [financial product] Guide” (page) might well link to a years-old post about subrogation regarding an attempted BBQ of a random wild animal that went wrong and caused a fire, because it’s a positively classic example of the same that makes a great deal of sense to most people, even if they don’t understand terms like subrogation.

    Post/page are distinctions that WP makes, but are abstractly relevant to setting up abs any CMS (which is what you want, Content Management System) so that you (ideally) never have to figure out how or where to link something, its just native. Changing the structure means changing the URLs which is annoying at best, and fraught with peril at worst.

    Above 2023 xxxx Guide page, would be https://example.org/NY-Xxxx-Guide and that way you DGAF about the sidebar links, for instance. Link it once, and then you only have to update 50 posts with the year and/or some change in the data, which can be done programmatically in the db as a trivial exercise. “UPDATE page SET title = (SELECT title FROM… WHERE ‘2022’ in title TO ‘2023’;”

    Disclaimer: do not run that query as copypasta, it’s meant to illustrate a point and not to exhibit valid SQL on any db (Not least because I intentionally left out at least one closing paren and simplified a bit. I’m a PG guy, and I am 100% certain it would fail as written, but fully expect anything approaching the standard to reject it. But you get the idea, update 50 states at once with a fairly simple query, once a year.

    Lots going on here, but go for a modern CMS and repeatable updates, not a legacy product with a bunch of tech debt accumulated. Build it clean, plan it out first, and know whatever DB is backing it fairly well.