Interesting. I’ve been using “” for a while now, since that’s one of the other often used ways.
Interesting. I’ve been using “” for a while now, since that’s one of the other often used ways.
Yeah. I’ve no need to change to anything else. pf/OPNsense 4life.
That’s how I’ve got mine set up, with OPNsense.
I’ve been using it a few years and I only know about half the stuff that pfSense/OPNsense can do. So I would advise newbies to just make small changes at a time because there’s a whole lot of stuff you can change. It’s worth learning, though. I wouldn’t use anything else for my main firewall/router nowadays.
PfSense and OPNsense are both killer router “out of the box” distros built on BSD. I say this as a Linux user, with little interest in running BSD for my applications, but… Respect to BSD. ✊
And the ASRock Deskmini range. I’m currently using one with an older Kaby Lake i7 as my Docker host.
You could (carefully) run a dd command to blast the partition data off the drive, in Linux or any Unix based system.
Let’s say your drive was recognised as /dev/sdc when you plugged it in.
First, make sure it’s unmounted:
Then blast a gigabyte of zeros over the partition information: 2. sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1G count=1
The partition information is usually stored on the very first couple of megabytes on the drive, so blasting a gig’s worth of zeros linearly onto it should make it show up as an empty device next time you unplug and plug it in.
Nice. Thanks 👍