It’s a good action with some souls mechanics (not a soulslike though), crazy good graphics, bosses and enemy variety. Should also be decently optimized for pc
Plot wise is basically a fan sequel of Journey to the west. If you aren’t familiar with that don’t expect to understand shit about what’s going on.
The only real tangible issue is mediocre map design (very simplistic and linear) and (some say) some balancing issues.
In short, if you enjoy 3d actions and/or souls you’ll probably have you money’s worth.
Yeah. The game’s incipit is (spoilers ??? Literally the first five minutes of the game) >!Wukong just wants to chill on his mountains, but the other gods fear him and kick his ass. Decades, centuries or maybe millennia has passed, and now you, a monke from his village (arguably his reincarnation), are tasked with finding a way to reawaken him!<