• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024


  • I like buying and owning some stuff, sure, but not being able to do so doesn’t not make me go/feel insane.

    Sometimes guilt creeps in but then I remember I am allowed to own and enjoy things that have no other purpose than to be enjoyed. I don’t come from money, lived a very frugal life with my parents and while I went to private school all the way through college it was through scholarships and what not.

    So maybe I am justifying myself, which is fine too, but now that I can have a bit of extra change and not be a starving student I know there are some stuff that I am willing to buy for whatever reason. This will not make me poorer or richer.

  • ETA: Mostly try to find something you enjoy, not something that feels like a chore. Also, diet and fit culture are like poison so I would advice to find true compassionate professionals to help you out in your search.

    Yes in my case BUT I had to find the right exercise for me as well as the best time of day to do it.

    I now do it everyday and have done so for 17+ years. Sometimes I pepper some different stuff here and there, but nothing crazy. Also, food. The correct meals for me have made all the difference in the world in how I feel. This also includes some extra minerals that my body needs.