It would be funny if the Democrats kept the GOP speaker on the job because he is so bad, and spells trouble for his own party…
It would be funny if the Democrats kept the GOP speaker on the job because he is so bad, and spells trouble for his own party…
FTFY: 1000 years.
From a certain accident rate upwards, it is. Anywhere.
So, basically, he had one accident per year. And he is not smart enough to understand that the universe is trying to tell him “Don’t drive a car, then!”
If they actually were Christians, this would totally not be an issue. But they aren’t. They are trying to “look Christian” to get gullible voters. But most of them, if not all, are CINOs (Christians In Name Only), like Trump who had a road and church closed for a foto-op in that church where he held up a bible upside down…
As in: “Every five seconds, a woman gives birth to a child in China. We have to find that woman and stop her!”
Do you have to break your fingers, too, to switch them off?
Would we have any chance not to be handled like that?
I know why migratory birds fly faraway south in the winter. It is not because of the cold, or the lack of food.
It is solely because they want to escape “Last Christmas” on repeat from each and every loudspeaker.
I run several instances of mediawiki. Sometimes I curse the programmers for being jockeys (next to no usable documentation, every update breaks something), but at the end of the day it’s easy and works.
Wenn Du Dir die Durchsagen im ICE anhörst, weißt Du, wie hoch das Niveau für Englisch in diesem Konzern ist.
Maybe the reason is that you behave like a first-class asshole idiot? You wanted help, but evaded the reasonable question for your instance name. Several times. While making unreasonable demands. I’ve seen a lot of idiots in thirty years of being on the internet, and seriously, you are one of the bigger ones.
Zugreisender, auf die Frage, warum er im Ruhebereich telefoniert: “Weil man nur hier in Ruhe telefonieren kann”.
Jaja, in Berlin müssen sie immer mal wieder eine Sau durchs Dorf treiben…
Now that is the bonus we promised on hire.