Exploring diverse perspectives on contentious subjects.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t believe in free will so there’s no point at ruminating in past mistakes. I couldn’t have done otherwise. I’m now just telling myself a story which makes me feel bad but achieves nothing else.

    And no. This doesn’t mean I can do whatever and not take responsibility. If I intentionally hurt other people then yeah I could not have done otherwise but it does make me reflect on what kind of person does that.

  • “Lying” by Sam Harris made me commit to not ever lying again

    I have told one lie ever since and even that was a slip-up; a person came to me on the street asking for money and instead of saying no I said I didn’t have any cash which was untrue. I still keep secrets and I will lie if refusing to answer reveals the truth. I will still not tell the whole truth and sometimes I simply omit things I don’t want to reveal but what I don’t do is say things that are untrue and this applies to while lies aswell.

    Only after I started paying attention to this mysef I realized how often we lie unecessarily and how damaging it can be to our relationships even when your intentions may be good. You’re basically treating people as if they’re so vunerable that they can’t handle the truth so you lie.

  • I’ve had some really insightful conversations about free will on r/freewill and r/samharris. I also once met this one guy at work who was into a lot of the same things I’m too and we used to have really insteresting discussions about personal finances, investing and work philosophy for example.

    I must say tho that recently the most interesting discussions by far has been with chatGPT. I only wish it was a bit more conversationalist and less agreeable. It’s just really interesting talking to something that has such a vast knowledge of every topic I’m interested in and generally speaks from the facts instead of feelings.

    This is the main reason I’m not that worried about bots on social media. If the discussion is interesting I don’t really care who or what I’m talking to.

  • I have 3 gerbils.

    It’s quite a lot of entertainment for such a low maintenance pet and if I’m staying away from home for few days I just need to make sure their bowl is filled with food and I put few extra water bottles and they’ll be just fine. Downside is that they only live 2 to 3 years but then again you then get to choose wether to get new ones or something else. Something like a cat or dog is a much longer commitement.

    Gerbils are surprisingly social animals and super curious about everything. I love when I’m doing stuff and notice one of them just observing me thru the glass and clearly thinking hard in her little head about what’s going on.

    A protip for anyone thinking about getting gerbils: get three. It’s highly probable one is going to die much sooner than the others and they get depressed when alone. Introducing new gerbils to adult one can be difficult so by having three there’s a greater chance the last two are going to live about equally long.