• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I hear this. I worked retail when I was a youngster, so I do my best to make retail workers’ jobs easier. That includes deliberately leaving my shopping carts in the parking lot cart stall outside after I use them. A few businesses have removed those now here so you “have to” return them to the building – so I instead leave my carts in the landscaping on the property (where they aren’t in the way of other cars but still have to be fetched). I figure:

    1. It does give someone a nice mental break to be able to go outside and get some fresh air once in awhile while still on the clock.

    2. It keeps someone employed. Stores here are replacing more and more checkout clerks with self-check machines, so a place that used to employ 20 people now needs maybe 4 or 5. So far they haven’t come up with that machine that will go fetch carts scattered over the parking lot.

  • I’m finding myself reevaluating my use of the internet, looking to find more meaningful things to spend my time on. I only miss one subreddit that I haven’t found here, but I’m also looking for specialty forums to interact on, as well. So maybe I will find that on one of those. (I don’t have the time to moderate a community here, so I’m not starting one).

    I’m also looking at my technology, where laptop technology is going these days (crap), and considering if I want to go back to the “good ole days” of just having a desktop machine.

    So, some good things, I think.

  • I was trying to save some steps by pushing 2x4s to the top of the entry railing, rather than walk them all up several stairs over and over, and one of the boards slipped back and smacked me in the eye. Gave me a huge black eye.

    “Best” was I had to endure coworkers gossiping and asking me over and over for the next several weeks if I really got the black eye in a fight (which makes no sense at all if you know/see me).

    (Edit: typo)