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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • For some people, it’s important to have rules!! Of course you need the standard social construct rules, but the less necessary ones are important too. I think they give structure and consistency to people, so even if they’re arbitrary, it fulfils that need and as long as isn’t disruptive to society, I don’t see the harm. Plus, knowing someone also follows the same rules, rituals and holidays you do gives you instant rapport with them, so it aids in building a sense of community. Polite people outside of the new religion will also be curious and interested in hearing about these rules/rituals and whatever reasoning could uphold them, and the followers likely will enjoy explaining them, so this helps them build friendships outside of the religious group as well.

    Tho it’s crucial that others aren’t ostracized for not following the more arbitrary ones and that those that do follow them don’t feel any actionable feelings of superior devotion or what-not. I think you can ostracize people who violate rules that relate to already well established social constructs (theft, murder, etc), but not the more frivolous restrictions and behavioral requirements we’d invent here.

  • The most fun parts of religion are the camaraderie and intricate, abstracted rituals that used to serve one purpose but now serve a different, often symbolic one.

    So lots of that. Spaced out throughout the year as to give followers a way of marking the passing of time and a reason to call out of work at regular intervals.

    Oh, let’s toss in a lil religious specific language to aid as a group identifier and how about some arbitrary rules/guidelines that aren’t strictly enforced and vary by region but give those rules loving peoples something to grab onto.

    Oh oh oh and unique cuisine! Food goods made in certain ways at certain times, with some slight variation so followers could have techniques and recipes to share and mild, inconsequential things to disagree and hold frivolous, memetic arguments about.

    The details don’t really matter all that much, as long as it can serve as a way to find community and camaraderie in new places, reinforce solidarity with your fellow humans, and give some rituals for timekeeping and distraction from modern life.

  • From how I understand it, you dream every night as your body enters REM sleep, but you often don’t remember dreams. You can try and train yourself to better recall your dreams and in doing so you may find that you “dream more often”.

    I’d say I have weeks where I remember my dreams, sometimes multiple, every night, and other times where I’ll go a week or more without recalling any. It varies on a lot of things. In particular, I’ll find if I stop smoking weed for about 4 or more days, I’ll start remembering dreams vividly and frequently, but that’ll lessen over 2 weeks.

  • The Culture as imagined by Iain M. Banks.

    Taking jobs as passion projects and partying on the side with my bespoke suite of substances produced by thought activated glands in my brain? Sign me tf up. Imma design avant-garde planetary landscapes for like 4 years, then spend 2 just raving constantly then swap genders for a spell? Crazy good utopian concept.

  • Buddy… you got no clue.

    Biden is an absolute piece of shit and I’m still gonna cast my vote for him. That said, with the electoral systems the way they are, my vote is utterly irrelevant. I live in a deep blue state. I could vote for anyone and it would be irrelevant, the electoral college for my state might as well vote now and be done with it. There’s not a snowflakes chance in hell for there to be a different outcome.

    This just isn’t funny or interesting content, it’s just a bitter political opinion. Furthermore, it’s principled but impractical. There’s no large enough voting bloc of “MAGA agents LARPing as internet leftists” to move the needle on any federal election.

    With that in mind, it violates Rule 1. There’s no interpretation of this post that’s attempting to be civil or kind and your vitriol and wild assumptions in the comments confirm that.

    Lastly, if this is genuinely something that bothers you, it’s far more practical to address the DNC and your Democrat representatives about their messaging and platform. They have the power to affect far more hearts and minds than a self-righteous pisspost on a lemmy community.