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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I didn’t enjoy the Enders Game series, but I did enjoy the Alvin Maker series, and it blows me away with how far that man’s personal beliefs are from that of his books. Years ago I used to work with a girl who’s family was close friends with his (same Mormon community and all that). She saw one of his books in my back pocket and went on a tirade about how people are unfair to him (because of the horrible things he said about his beliefs) and I immediately lost interest in hooking up with her like we’d been flirting towards.

  • Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. The whole series really. The overall theme is change/growth. The books are chonky, and that gives him the room to do what he does best: character work. There’s a range of characters with a broad spectrum of personality types and issues, so it’s easy to find something that you relate to. Main characters with depression, PTSD, complicated pasts. And while they do grow and improve, it’s definitely more realistic than a lot of books I’ve read. It’s not easy or a straight path to getting better, and sometimes they stumble. But the books do a great job of showing that those things are completely normal and part of personal growth. The people around them give them the support we all wish we had, giving a good model for how we can support those in our lives.

    Just a couple quotes that have stuck with me for years:

    From Words of Radiance: “Keep cutting away at those thorns, strong one, and make a path for the light.”

    From Oathbringer: “It’s terrible,” Wit said, stepping up beside her, “to have been hurt. It’s unfair, and awful, and horrid. But Shallan . . . it’s okay to live on.” … "Wit?” she asked. “I . . . I can’t do it. He smiled. “There are certain things I know, Shallan. This is one of them. You can. Find the balance. Accept the pain, but don’t accept that you deserved it.”

  • I’ve genuinely been trying to understand how people like the movie so much. The first time I watched it, I thought it was bad. So I came back to it a little while later and give it a second shot. Maybe I was just in a bad mood that day? Everyone seems to love it. Nope, still bad. Even gave it a third shot a few weeks ago and it felt even worse.

    I read the first 3 books a few times, but I always try to put aside the source material when it moves to a new media. And the movie seemed to me like it was just a string of barely connected scenes, tied together solely because they shared characters. It was almost entirely just book references without trying to make a story out of them. It was entirely spectacle, and they still couldn’t really get the scale right, which I think bugs me more than anything. It shows these giant buildings and ships that hint at vast crowds of people, and we only ever see a handful at a time on screen. Even “crowd” scenes are sparse. It feels like they’re trying to make Arrakis feel giant and daunting to show the difference between the expansive dessert dwarfing crowds, then realized they didn’t have the money for crowds so they just zoomed in on 4 people.

    And they should have ended the story sooner. End with the climax battle and them getting to safety and save everything after for the next movie. Use that new time to actually get me invested in the characters, or the setting, or the story… anything. Make the first movie about palace intrigue as they know they’re in danger and not sure who they can trust and gaining allies. Instead, all of that got like, one scene each and only makes sense if you’ve read the book. The best thing I can say is they put a tiny bit more effort in to showing Paul using the Voice before it’s relevant to the story. So at least they cared enough about grounding that. Just not about literally anything else.

    I desperately want someone to win me over and tell me what makes this a good movie. I feel like I’m missing something.