Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian

Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 86 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Stamets@lemmy.worldOPtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldBetrayal
    3 months ago

    I was watching some Critical Role recaps and was in the middle of a deeply intense emotional moment. I had to turn away because I was welling up a bit and looked to the second monitor. A single lemmy message. I refresh. It’s this.

    I cannot stop laughing at both the absurdity of the moment and the intense hilarity of that comment.

    Bravo. Bra-fucking-vo.

  • You have been consistently and provably wrong throughout this entire exchange. Forgive me, but your opinion on its status holds exactly zero weight. Especially when you said that you heard the Cicada 3301 thing (something you got the name wrong of) from a TopTenz video.

    I’m going to stick with the people who have worked with the NSA for years and who have broken the first three codes into something that was not jibberish. While I abhor what the NSA does, they are good at what they do. Which is cryptography. And if they’re saying that it actually is something, as well as every other expert in the field, then I’m going to believe that over someone who has a coding reputation.

    This is a waste of my time lol

  • The laughing hours have chased away the night,
    Plucking the stars out from her diadem:
    And now the blue-eyed Morn, with modest grace,
    Looks through her half-drawn curtains in the east,
    Blushing in smiles and glad as infancy.
    And see, the foolish Moon, but now so vain
    Of borrowed beauty, how she yields her charms,
    And, pale with envy, steals herself away!
    The clouds have put their gorgeous livery on,
    Attendant on the day: the mountain tops
    Have lit their beacons, and the vales below
    Send up a welcoming: no song of birds,
    Warbling to charm the air with melody,
    Floats on the frosty breeze; yet Nature hath
    The very soul of music in her looks!
    The sunshine and the shade of poetry.
    I stand upon thy lofty pinnacle,
    Temple of Nature! and look down with awe
    On the wide world beneath me, dimly seen;
    Around me crowd the giant sons of earth,
    Fixed on their old foundations, unsubdued;
    Firm as when first rebellion bade them rise
    Unrifted to the Thunderer: now they seem
    A family of mountains, clustering round
    Their hoary patriarch, emulously watching
    To meet the partial glances of the day.
    Far in the glowing east the flickering light,
    Mellow'd by distance, with the blue sky blending,
    Questions the eye with ever-varying forms.
    The sun comes up! away the shadows fling
    From the broad hills; and, hurrying to the West,
    Sport in the sunshine till they die away.
    The many beauteous mountain streams leap down,
    Out-welling from the clouds, and sparkling light
    Dances along with their perennial flow.
    And there is beauty in yon river's path,
    The glad Connecticut! I know her well,
    By the white veil she mantles o'er her charms:
    At times she loiters by a ridge of hills,
    Sportfully hiding; then again with glee,
    Out-rushes from her wild-wood lurking-place,
    Far as the eye can bound, the ocean-waves,
    And hills and rivers, mountains, lakes, and woods,
    And all that hold the faculty entranced,
    Bathed in a flood of glory, float in air,
    And sleep in the deep quietude of joy.
    There is an awful stillness in this place,
    A Presence, that forbids to break the spell,
    Till the heart pour its agony in tears.
    But I must drink the vision while it lasts;
    For even now the curling vapours rise,
    Wreathing their cloudy coronals, to grace
    These towering summits—bidding me away;
    But often shall my heart turn back again,
    Thou glorious eminence! and when oppress'd,
    And aching with the coldness of the world,
    Find a sweet resting-place and home with thee.
    ~ Sunrise from Mount Washington by Rufus Dawes

    The beauty of a sunrise isn’t in its own mere splendor, of which it has plenty. It comes from touching all around with that glory, lighting up the day with promises anew. That is where you can find the heart of all that gold.