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Joined 19 days ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2024


  • Well you did just state my first point in more words, so yes I agree, since artists aren’t getting paid in most cases anyways, stealing their work is sort of morally grey, but mostly because its not their work anymore.

    But thats not true across the board, and its impossible to know which companies are the ones that do treat their employees well enough that it would affect them to steal it.

    So why don’t we maybe repair that bond between an artist and their work so that it makes sense not to steal art from people again? Copyright could be changed to do this couldn’t it?

  • Cats in the wild won’t hunt anything too large, but they do like chunky animals that have as much meat as they can hunt. Rabbits are one of the biggest animals they hunt. In areas that have rabbits, its usually their main source of food. Any small game that size or smaller is a target though, including birds.

    Duck, Turkey, cow, pig, deer, and bison all are not on the table for a cat to hunt. Cats will only scavenge if they are starving and otherwise will prefer to hunt for their food.

    Your vague belief that it might be possible a cat stumbles upon a bison that just has died of natural causes does not make standard cat food natural or inline with the cats personal choices.

  • One point, we already make the decision for our pets diet. You are already supposed to consult a vet or nutritionist if you care about ensuring the animal is healthy, vegan food or not.

    Its not a moral decision for the cat in this case anyways, its in service of their health first and foremost. If the cat can’t be healthy on a vegan diet, or just simply doesn’t like it, then a vegan will look for the next best thing that could be the healthiest fit for their pet, and see how it goes.

    Conversely, plenty of non vegan owners will buy whatever random food is sold in their box store, do zero research past a facebook/reddit corporate circle jerk, and then pat themselves on the back for being such great owners.

    The simple fact that vegans are involving pet nutritionists should be a clue as to their priorities. You could also simply ask your vet about it, just like I did, and find out that they won’t accuse you of animal abuse.

  • I think what they mean is that its not taylor swifts music that is impressive. She spends a lot of time nurturing her fan base and puts on the kinds of shows they want to see.

    I think its fair to have the discussion around whether its difficult to write the music she does. I’d argue the instrumentals are usually very simple, and many songs use electronic versions rather than live instruments. Its both over simplistic and mechanical but its very catchy and repetitive.

    The lyrical content is another side of it and she is a strong singer, although the perspective she carries in songs misses with a lot of the older crowd for some reason. She comes across to me as someone who is adept at turning misfortune into fortune. After long enough its hard to feel bad for misfortune when you know it will work out in her advantage anyways, and I’m sure she knows this too.

  • Most vegans would allow an exception for certain lifestyles. People hunting for their homestead aren’t going to cause a global issue like is currently happening.

    Ideally we wouldnt hunt at all but thats like some sort of futuristic goal. Noones going to tell you to starve your family to appease veganism, thats not the point.

    The point is to reduce suffering and abuse wherever possible. Sometimes its not possible.