Red Wizard 🪄

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It’s funny, when you explain it, my IT hat goes on and I totally get it lol. I guess the context felt different enough that I didn’t get it. But I work with Windows domains all day and that’s exactly how DNS operates in that environment.

    Ultimately I think for a tunnel you’ll end up with your records pointing to your VPS. So you’ll have a *.domain.tld CNAME record and maybe a @ CNAME record and your nginx server on the other end of the tunnel would handle the routing.

  • We wouldn’t have survived to become the species we are now if those were our “natural” traits. We’re socal creatures, we live in communities. If anything, we are now living in the least compatible societal arrangement for our species. There is evidence that even neanderthals would care for the their eldery and dead.

    Greed, in my opinion is a “modern” notion designed to propagandize and misdirect away from the true culprit of our time, and that is motive. Specifically, profit motive. Greed, much like laziness, is a made up notion by the capitalist class. It implies that you can be altruistic and “fair” with your capitalistic desires, and anyone who isn’t doing as such is simply morally bankrupt.

    It allows people to ascribe a personal moral failing to the capitalist, instead of analyzing the underlying motivations and structures that govern their behavior. It means people can, as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, imagine that they would never make that kind of moral failing given the opportunity.

    Except, they would make that same “mistake” if they were ever given the opportunity, because capitalism demands it.

  • It’s about the network effect. As it stands now, the network effect is built on the backs of many different nodes on the network all contributing together.

    But as you’ve seen, the amount of people on the network is nothing compared to the total of all the Threads users (~30mil). Once they federate with the rest of the network they will provide a MASSIVE boost to it’s enharent value. As people from other instances connect with friends, brands and public figures and alert services on Threads they are slowly becoming dependent on that content.

    The users on Threads are not going to be as privacy or technology curious. Almost all of them will be existing Instagram users. They’re not going to move to another instance, especially if they can’t keep using the threads app, which could have features the other instances don’t support.

    Almost all social media platforms have this network effect because they were first and/or strategically built their network.

    Facebook utilized Universities, requiring uni email address to register and they had features that made it easy to connect with your classmates. Once they hit a critical mass they opened it public.

    Twitter piggy backed off of the 2007 SXSWi conference. Displaying pubic Twitter feeds from users at the event on large LCD TVs, they connected users with a similar occupation and intrist. Sending their tweets per day from 20,000 to 60,000.

    Threads is building it’s network on the back of Instagram while also on the back of Twitters failings. They’re co-opting the bad vibes of Elon Musk to syphon users off the platform.

    Ultimately, there will be a short term boon in the perceived “value” of the fediverse, and in reality, Threads and Meta will make up a large percentage of that value. Over time, people will have become accustomed to the content Threads provides and when Meta nolonger needs to be federated, people will leave with them.