A tool using primate, probably friendly. Likes cookies.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • I understand your sentiment internet friend. It made me insane too (and I have dual citizenship and have lived outside the States for a very long time).

    But with the recent SCOTUS rulings + the planning that went into P25, this time is truly, uniquely different. If Trump wins this time, it is game over for any future ways to save democracy and anyone but cis, white, het Xian men and the women who remain subservient to them. There will be no “close your eyes and think of England” for four years then back to normal. There will be no way back to normal for generations.

    So my thought is that anything, anything that gets the attention of even one more prospective Dem voter is ok.

  • This is a good answer and probably the right solution (still not 100% convinced defederating isn’t, ultimately, going to be the answer though).

    But your Jane/Joe Average User doesn’t look to see which instance that pr0n cute picture of a cat holding a teddy bear is on. They probably don’t even understand the concept of different instances showing content from others. Hell I’ve been online since 1992 and it took me a couple of days to get my head around it when I joined.

    So I think we need some kind of step by step “If you see X, then do Y” sticked to the instances that care about this for the people who (like me) do care about this issue.

  • double edge safety razor with feather blades

    This is the way to do it. Before I grew my beard I shaved every day, maybe skipping a weekend day (I have a moderate, but not heavy beard). A Feather blade lasted me about three shaves comfortably, but I could make it go five if I were traveling for a week. Three was optimal.

    Now I only trim my cheeks and the “neckbeard” area below my real beard every two or thee days, and the same Feather lasts about three weeks I’d say? Maybe four?

    No matter what, ditch the cartridges! They were literally invented as a scam; they are worse for your skin; and they are far easier to operate than people make it out to be.

  • People who travel in sweat pants and hoodies or “athlileasure” (sp?) cloths on airplanes. Yeah, I get that you want to pretend it’s a big sleepover, but I don’t want to be in a sleepover with you. I’m probably not looking forward to this trip and am already stressed. I just find it to be somehow disrespectful of others, not sure why.

    I’m probably the weird one on this peeve, but I have to travel a lot for work. People do this shit on long distance trains too.

    Other pet peeve is when someone corrects someone else’s pronunciation of a word in a condescending manner. The person mispronouncing the word probably read it in a book and has just never heard it pronounced in the wild. Making fun of someone trying expand their vocabulary is just petty. There are nice ways to correct them and actually help them they could have used.