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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • They’ve been my go to for headphones & speakers for a while, but my last few purchases of different models all ended up getting returned due to the same connectivity issues. Sitting at home, the headphones are fine, but when I’m out for a walk, they experience some sort of interference that causes the music to skip/stutter. I still have an old, long discontinued, pair of Anker earbuds, and when I go for the same walk with those, there’s zero connectivity issues.

  • QualifiedKitten@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBacon tho
    2 months ago


    I went crabbing and the resources I found said that killing them before cooking them was likely more humane than boiling them alive, so that’s what I did.

    My old neighbor’s cat once left a paralyzed/twitching rat outside my door, which I found in the morning. I quickly realized that the rat was not going to recover (it had already been there for hours), so I had to figure out a way to quickly end its suffering. I did not eat the rat though.

  • Yep. The dry cycle also takes about twice as long, but supposedly it’s more gentle on fabrics. It’s a pretty nifty option for small spaces without a way to properly vent the dryer, but I can see why they’re not more popular. The machine came with the place, so I didn’t exactly choose it, but I hang dry most stuff anyway, and definitely prefer it over dealing with shared, coin operated machines.

  • Ooops. Millennial here and I often iron my bed sheets. I have a weird ventless washer/dryer combo thing, and no matter how quickly I pull my sheets out or what dryness level I set it to, they come out quite wrinkled. I don’t really mind if the main sheet is a bit wrinkly, but it drives me nuts when the top edge gets all folded, and then those folds become permanent creases.

  • I’m just not thrilled about the idea of sharing a home with a dog, and cohabitation is something I’d like in a long term romantic relationship. I grew up with dogs, and lots of friends family have dogs, so it’s not an absolute, 100% deal breaker, but I hate when they jump on me, I don’t enjoy their “kisses”, and I’m easily irritated by many of the noises they make when I’m chilling quietly at home. I’m also easily irritated by noises that humans make when sharing close quarters, but it’s rare to really notice those on a first date.

    I also live in a dense area with very few private yards, so anyone I’m dating likely has a similar living situation, making it so that dating a dog owner has more overlaps than I’d like compared with dating a single parent of a young child. If you want to take an overnight trip together somewhere, you either have to bring the dog/child along, or you have to find a sitter.

    On top of that, I have young adult cats, so the possibility of eventually moving in together becomes much more complicated.

  • An exercise routine has helped me a lot, exercising sporadically, not so much. I don’t really feel a sudden sense of relief from a single session, but I’ve noticed that when I’m working out regularly, I feel better overall. It’s not a sudden change, and not a “cure all”, but it helps me focus better during the day, sleep better at night, crave less junk food/alcohol, and just feel less sense of “everything sucks”. The routine also really helps me stick to other daily habits that I’m embarrassed to admit I struggle with, such as brushing my teeth.

    I’m currently working to get back on my full routine, but in the past, I did weightlifting Mon-Fri, with intense cardio (running, stairs, etc.) MWF and chill cardio (walking) TTh. When I was really, really into it, that naturally led to being quite active on weekends too, such as 5k’s, long ass walks around town, and hiking.

    My advice to anyone trying to start a routine is to start small and gradually build it up. So step 1 for getting back to my full routine right now is a short daily walk. Once the short walks become a natural part of my daily rhythm, I might make the walks a little longer, add in a little running, and/or add in some light strength training moves, all depending on my overall goals and what feels within reach.