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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


    1. Dynamic DNS hooked in to one of my spare domains
    2. Wireguard running on my firewall
    3. An alert set up to inform me any time ANY client connects to said VPN
    4. Smart plug between my firewall and the UPS

    Connect on my device or my travel router to get onto my home network and then access additional services as though I were local. And on the off chance I get an alert that something is connected and it is not me? I kill my network and deal with it when I get home. Not perfect (since I could be asleep) but gives me peace of mind on the off chance my VPN somehow becomes compromised.

  • Its one of those things that is incredibly obvious in hindsight. The actual “incident” was the same as any “hot take” over the years: Someone calls out Linus’s bullshit. He takes it as a personal insult, goes full Influencer to get the audience on his side, and does a “not really but really” call for action against whoever wronged him. Like, there are still some tech youtubers who “catch strays” any time the LMG community remember that they had the audacity to talk about how interacting with Linus was incredibly uncomfortable and unprofessional and so forth.

    This was just extra “interesting” since it was a call to action against the people being called.

    And I think it was this particular debacle that made people realize that the unofficial LTT subreddit… has a lot of LTT staff as mods. And that came up as an argument that LMG require staff running their subreddit in case someone tries to dox them at 2 am. Which… ignores that reddit has other message boards AND has really bad implications on work/life balance expectations.

    But yeah. I still skim the occasional LTT video because… their bullshit six figure house mods are solving similar problems that I have and I can find a way to get that down to three figures. But I am definitely glad that the big computer companies are broadening to work more with the “b tier” computer youtubers like GN and Jay and the like. Nice to be able to get a fab tour without it needing to be a travel vlog by a millionaire.

  • The gist of it is that LMG released their (massively overpriced, heavy, poorly engineered, and low capacity) “tech” backpack. And the first wave of buyers realized there was no warranty and questioned that. For context, it is incredibly common for any backpack in that price tier or above to have basically a no questions asked lifetime warranty (with the general idea that if you care enough to file a claim with Osprey or whatever, you are a big enough fan that you’ll probably buy another one anyway).

    On the WAN show (I am not sure if it was that week or the next one), Linus spun up some sob story about how warranties aren’t fair because if he dies then his family will suffer for having to deal with that. And then he (and to a lesser extent Luke) started rambling about how written warranties aren’t worth anything anyway and you should just trust individuals… who were telling you to not trust them a few weeks back and are now talking about how they can’t commit to any written policy because they might die some day.

    This went on for a few weeks and led to the infamous “Trust me, bro” meme/middle finger. Eventually led to (Computer Jesus at) Gamers Nexus dedicating a large part of a news update to explain why consumers SHOULD want a written warranty and that, going forward, they would be treating LMG as just another company even though they were friendly with Linus and the staff because they weren’t satisfied with how much they felt they needed to tiptoe around the bullshir. And GN even explained why they initially didn’t have a warranty on their screw drivers (?) but that they are now extending all existing purchases to have the same coverage as their mod mats and the like. I assume Rossman also went to town in between ranting about libertarian bullshit and how mean New York is and it is probably worth a listen. When he stays in his lane, Rossman is awesome for consumer rights.

    And, for what it is worth, LMG did eventually do a written warranty for the backpack (and I think screwdriver?). But it was very much a “kicking and screaming” situation that highlighted that LTT will pretend they are pro consumer and “fighting for your rights” right up until it affects their bottom line. At which point they will spin sob stories and try to convince fans to actively not want what few consumer protections there are.

    Can’t be arsed to look up which WAN shows involved Linus ranting but here are the GN videos. Obviously I am inherently biased toward those because… I care more about my rights as a consumer than what some whiny millionaire wants.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdxVtAiYeL0&t=95s is the GN summary and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsX3tUA-wJk&t=71s is their follow up that also includes a discussion of how they will be handling LMG different (as in, like every other company) going forward.

  • I haven’t been following monero too much but… I would not count on their protections to matter all that much. Because you can bet the FBI/CIA/NSA equivalents around the world have put in the effort to de-obfuscate that. Because this is a relatively low cost grant to a few grad students that means they can do whatever investigations they want without needing the equivalent of a warrant and cooperation from other orgs.

    I am an old fart. But I definitely remember getting some DOD grants to work on a specific architecture (that never had widespread release) with mysterious instructions that I now understand map to common operations in cryptography (of the era). I got some nice papers about graph analysis and they got some very valuable ability to handle complex networks of interactions.

    Tangential, but Real Genius is probably still the greatest media portrayal of STEM grad school in existence. You have those weird social interactions (because people with people skills already have real jobs) and those fucked up relationships (… hopefully not statutory rape…). But you are either a dumbass Believer or you rapidly grow to understand the inherent ethical concerns of your field of study. And as much as you wish you could take the weapon you accidentally made for the military and blow up a prop house with popcorn… the reality is that you end up closer to Lazlo and live with the realization that people are probably suffering and dying for your work for the rest of your life. And it is up to you on whether that manifests as alcoholism or activism.

  • LMG (the parent company) are pretty shameless about advertising and their former CEO (currently CCO with a controlling share of the company) outright tried to weaponize his community to actively advocate against their own consumer rights. Personally? I “ethically” think they are fair game. They actively fuck over consumers so… fuck them.

    But also? Who cares. This is not stealing a loaf of bread to survive. This is grabbing content to entertain ourselves. From an ethical standpoint, it is REALLY hard to argue that theft (because piracy IS theft) is the ethical choice in this case but not any other… unless your personal ethics boil down to “I don’t like this person so fuck them. But I like that person so it is not right”

    And… who gives a shit? If you want to pirate, pirate. Just don’t pretend one choice is “ethical” when another isn’t.

  • Genuine question:

    Why did reddit benefit from Sync but Lemmy doesn’t? In both cases, it is a third party app (with premium options or ads that support Sync and not the service it is engaging with) that greatly increases utility for “power users”. So that more or less means that it provides “exposure” by encouraging power users to make the content that casual users will come back to the site for.

    And there is the argument that that actually could be bad if the product has no viable monetization strategy but user count keeps increasing but… yeah.

  • The problem is that, for that decade, Sync has been benefiting from reddit, and now Lemmy. And reddit/Lemmy were the ones footing the majority of the operating costs so that Sync could be useful.

    While obviously not a perfect example, think of it as letting your friend stay in your spare room. And then they decide to run a business out of that room and you have customers coming at all hours of the day.

    This is increasingly a concern with the modern internet. All of those super popular streamers and youtubers? They are profiting off the content of game devs and other youtubers (ironically, it is the hot tub streamers who are stealing the least content). And plenty of content creators have come out and talked about how they increasingly hate “Reaction” content (Hasan getting special mention for just playing full videos to his chat while he has a piss break).

    I am glad Sync is a product people feel is worth paying for. Not my thang, but it doesn’t need to be. But… let’s just say that if the only thing to come out of the reddit debacles over the past few months were “Third party apps need to serve ads or pay for expensive API keys” I would probably actively not care.

    Just to be clear. I very much feel that creators deserve to get paid, even if they build on top of the work of others. Maybe less so people who just stream content with no comment while they take a shit but, generally speaking, even just interacting with chat while you play a round of Valorant is “transformative” in my book.

    But it DOES suck how many developers, services, and creators are more or less getting screwed over in the interest of “exposure”.

  • True sensory deprivation? Tried a tank and VERY rapidly went from losing my mind to singing like Homer Simpson. If you had offered me the chance to get a pretty strong shock as a way to get out of that tube? I don’t care where you put the taser, just get on with it.

    But doing a long drive or sitting on a mountain just staring at the world? That is my jam. I basically need to do that every few weeks to keep functioning at this point. There are still external stimuli, but no technology (well, music in the car). It is just an a fairly meditative opportunity to work through my thoughts and issues.

  • Not if it is for a course.

    There is a reason basically every non-software engineering discipline ends up using matlab at one point or another. Many companies love matlab and consider it the industry standard.

    The rest? They know matlab is shitty. Because matlab is Fortran. Most of the same concepts and even a not too dissimilar syntax from some of the more modern standards. Teach a kid fortran and they will set your car on fire. Teach them matlab and they will grumble but at least it is a tool from this millennium. But when they get a real job and suddenly have to port or fix some legacy code? They are going to be REAL pissed when they realize they can follow said legacy code.

    Using octave or numpy+scipy or whatever is better if you are doing hobbyist work. If you are training to do this for a career? Knowing the baseline tool is the actual value of that course.

  • Exactly.

    This and the latest round of “oh mah gawdz, the bill is 4600. How do you split it” is just an indication that people don’t freaking talk to each other.

    if I am out to dinner with a buddy that I know is struggling? I’ll offer to grab dinner if they grab drinks another night. And if they want to pay for their meal instead, I let them. Because I respect my friends enough to let them live/ruin their own lives. I’ll offer help, but I won’t force it. And I similarly won’t be taking them to a restaurant that will break the bank so that they don’t feel obligated to nurse a salad the entire night.

    And if they aren’t struggling? We ask the waiter to split the bill. If that is not an option, we use venmo/whatever to reimburse whoever covers the bill. Or, again, we just alternate.

  • Double check the numbers (I checked these maybe a year and a half ago?) but for 4 bays/drives or less, just get a Synology. Amazing price to performance ratio and synology make a good OS

    If you want more than four drives? Do you “love linux”? If so, go with a Truenas or a Ceph build. Do you want it to “just work”? Unraid.

    So based on your use case and comments: Just get them a synology. Then either use the Synology Drive Client software, set it up as a smb share/network drive and have them manually copy files in, or go semi-crazy and run Nextcloud.

    That said: if the focus is on photos and videos, you may just want to look into google drive or one of the other user oriented cloud services. Fairly inexpensive and, unless you are filming a lot of Those Kind of Movies, the loss of privacy knowing that your birthday pictures will probably be used for an internal training set are offset by having firm backups and one less thing to worry about in an emergency.

  • Is facebook/threads actually connected yet?

    I know a lot of orgs are gravitating toward blue skies (where you can pay extra to get your own domain name?) but this is 100% what I would hope basically every major org is planning on.

    Why put yourself at the mercy of a billionaire abuser with a pregnancy fetish? Just host your own server and let everyone else connect to you. Pay for ads on whatever instances/interfaces benefit you, but there is absolutely zero reason to allow ANYONE else to control or host your hot arby’s memes and the like.

    And, if threads does enable the connection? This is actually what people have claimed they wanted for years. Post to one “service” and it appears everywhere. Because it doesn’t matter if mas.to or mastodon.social connect to facebook. They’ll connect to you and you can connect to both. Instant coverage without needing to use fancy multi-post systems.