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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m a big guy. Tall, fat, boisterous, strong, opinionated, and outgoing. I love watching people, giving compliments, and delivering a solid joke. I make an impression on people whether I realize it or not. I’m too big to hide so I’ve chosen not to.

    But I’m also an introverted hermit, so I almost never get to be that guy unless I’ve pushed myself to be out and among people.

  • My car broke down one night after dropping a friend off at his place.

    I was about ten miles from home in a very hilly area.

    A guy in a car around my size pulled over, pulled out a tow strap, and carefully got me home, even though the strap came off every other turn or so.

    I tipped him with the rest of the meager cash I has.

    A few weeks later he dropped by and asked me to sign up for his pyramid scheme. But the nice driver part was days earlier, I don’t hold that against him.

    I live in northern Minnesota. We understand that if someone is on the side of the road - especially in winter - that can be a crisis.

    I have never been roadside in Minnesota while waiting for a tow truck without multiple people stopping to see if I’m okay.

    We look after each other, but this was an exceptional story.

    Also had a guy find me with a flat who had an air tank in his car, but it was empty. So he took us with him to get air and then filled my tire up and stayed with me and my wife until he was sure it was properly filled. Wasn’t even winter, just cold and rainy.

  • In the late 80s I ended up on a bus from North Minneapolis to South Minneapolis at around 9pm after a school play.

    With me were my sister and several of our friends.

    I’ll never know if this was in any way an out of the ordinary ride for the time and place. For context, we are all 13-15 years old, all white kids.

    1. A middle-aged black man holding a very small suitcase gets on and walks to the very back of the bus, sitting next to one of my sisters friends. Out of his jacket he pulls a few red roses and hands them to her. He then begins to flirt with her, angering other passengers and causing the bus driver to scream at him and kick him off.

    2. A fight breaks out in the front of the bus. Everyone, including the driver and the couple fighting, are laughing. Then one stumbles into the driver and they get kicked off.

    3. A drunk man comes and sits next to me and my friend Nick. Nick and I are chatting about a game, probably Warhammer Fantasy.

    The man asks Nick for a favor.


    “Teach me your language.”


    “Teach me Russian.”

    “I don’t know Russian!”

    “Teach me anyway.”

    That’s it. Of all of those I’m now sure the drunk guy was just deliberately fucking with us. But we also all made it home safely. Just a little window into 80s Minneapolis night life.

  • Hell yeah. My family is weird and fun.

    I play in a weekly D&D game with my dad, aunt, uncle, and cousin’s husband. We all have weird craft habits.

    Then I married into a massive family of very decent people. My brother in law adopted three sons before having two of his own. Several of the extended family teach or taught in public schools.

    Then there’s my extended family of cool people, friends I’ve curated over decades, most of whom have met my actual biological family.

    Takes a lot before I give up on family!

  • Heard of rather than seen it.

    My dad started a rumor that a coworker kept jello in her desk. Just mentioned it from time to time and let it be. Time goes by…

    One Monday morning he goes in early and reignites the rumor.

    When the coworker arrives there’s a crowd outside her office. She’s annoyed and throws open all her desk drawers to prove her innocence… and finds her file drawer full of lime jello, one unpeeled banana in the middle.

    If I recall right she laughed until she peed herself.

    The drawer was large enough it took my Dad most of Saturday to fill it. And most of the space in our fridge.

    Edit: There was also a time my dad and I rented a small trailer and took some stuff to the dump.

    I always loved this as we would look around and see if there was anything worth scavenging and bringing home.

    But no, nothing interesting.

    On the way home I turn to my Dad and say “Let’s tell mom and sis we found a moose head.”

    They believed us, we go out to the trailer and I’m opening it slowly to reveal that it’s empty… and a prior renter had spilled some red paint in the bottom.

    My sister screams “IT’S STILL BLEEDING” and runs inside.

    I could’ve never predicted it would go that well. I’d of course meant a mounted moose head. And this was in Florida, where I’m fairly sure there are no ‘fresh’ moose.

    Edit 2:

    Thought of one more.

    My sister and I are at karate class and my parents pick us up. They got donuts while waiting for us.

    When we get home, the dog had taken a crap out on the patio. My dad goes to clean it up and yells “he got into his eye medication! It’s all slimy.”

    We go and look and sure enough it’s covered in whitish crud.

    My dad picks it up.

    “Looks like dog shit.”


    “Smells like dog shit.”

    takes a bite

    “Tastes like dog shit.”

    My sister and I screamed and ran to our rooms as my dad ate his glazed chocolate doughnut, laughing his ass off.

    All these pranks were within a year of each other.