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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Also, never said unranked… I meant simply hide the rankings

    Sounds trash to me. Fortunately it would be trivial for me to add them back in because again, all you’re doing is making the information inconvenient.

    It also means that people don’t mindlessly upvote posts simply because there were a lot of upvotes

    Is that how your mind works? I’ve never once done this and I’m extremely skeptical that anyone does. Sounds to me like you don’t like the content and have decided that nobody really does, they’re just upvoting it because it was upvoted.

    Showing Upvotes/downvotes doesn’t show whether they are bots are not. It just means they’ll upvote/downvote more random shit and mess around wit the rest of the posts, so more crap rises to the top because they’re interfering with the rankings.

    A log of votes is the data you need to discover bots. It doesn’t magically reveal them, nor did I claim it would.

    Voting on random shit might make a slightly more plausible voting log for a bot but that’s going to be far more obvious than you think, won’t actually interfere with the rankings if it’s truly random and once again, not having rankings shown doesn’t address this problem either.

    Votes and rankings are always knowable, even if you hide them from the UI. If there is a pressure to make bots plausible through random voting, that pressure exists regardless of it being shown on the default UI. All you’re doing is misleading users about what information they’re exposing.

    There are easier ways to identify bots

    Describe them.

    And, it just aids abusive people

    You’ve already claimed to be a victim of them and your solution does nothing to address it. You’re just adding another value to the list of poorly obscured information, because it’s what you personally want.

  • Problem is, it actually encourages a hive mind. I’ve already had 2 people try to bully me.

    Then tell those people to get fucked.

    I’d go one step further. Upvotes down votes and totals should be hidden entirely.

    Unless you have an actual implementation of how that would work, telling us “what you’d do” is just a fantasy. You can’t “hide” things from federation – they’re either included, removed or made inconvenient to access.

    Does “posting without external influence” even have any value besides sounding cool? The entire concept of Lemmy and Reddit is that external influence floats and sinks content. If you want unranked, anonymous content, you want 4chan (which is of course riddled with extremists and good content is almost entirely drowned out with worthless shitposts).

    Personally, I’d rather that “external influence” was as fair and open and accountable as possible, rather than “I wonder if 500 of those votes are just Russian bots”.

  • Yes, and there’s no genuine argument otherwise.

    If you want Lemmy to grow and not be completely overrun with bots posting propaganda and signal boosting extremism, showing votes is the only way forward. It’s the only mechanism by which independent parties can discover and expose things like “every post and comment by this account is upvoted by these 20 other accounts that have never posted and whose names follow the same formula”.

    The privacy you’re mourning never existed in the first place and it can’t exist on any platform. For Lemmy, it’s required for federation. On sites like Reddit, you have privacy from other users, but not from the company or anyone they sell that data to.

    Since true privacy isn’t an option, it would be far better to be open about that lack of privacy. This thread is already riddled with people who thought their votes were private, rather than just inconvient to look up. That’s far more dangerous and deceptive.

    This needs to happen, regardless of the ill-informed tantrums it may cause. If you want to upvote pornography without it being used against you, create accounts that are strictly for pornography and properly compartmentalize your accounts.

  • Did anybody say admins aren’t entitled to block stuff

    His “defederation bad (except pedos)” isn’t exactly wet with support for blocking instances for spam and extremism.

    User just wanted a system to see everything and block what they didn’t want.

    That system exists. It’s the “run your own server” that I explicitly mentioned. But let’s be honest, he doesn’t want that system (which again, he already has) for himself, he wants it for everyone else.

    It’s the same bullshit that “free speech absolutists” push in every single thread about defederation – admins should be hands off and users should dig through through slurs, racism, homophobia looking for content worth engaging with.

    It benefits exactly one group of people but apparently doesn’t set off your “bad-faith” radar.

  • PoliticalAgitator@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    4 months ago

    Sounds more like you just don’t know anything about the gambling industry. They run rigged games in predatory ways. They happily let organised crime launder money for a cut. They fight regulations designed to reduce problem gambling.

    Nevertheless, nobody here is “forcing their way of life on others and taking away their agency over their own lives”. They’re just acknowledging that casinos have a long history of being absolute cunts.

  • Like I said, take it up with them. I’ve got no interest in getting to know every single gun owner and every one of their tedious, bullshit opinions and I’m definitely not going to be shamed into giving them a free pass until I’ve kissed every one of them on the mouth.

    Edit: I just noticed that the end of your comment genuinely asserts that “not being nice enough to gun owners caused Ulvade” and I think it’s important to tell you to go fuck yourself and don’t stop until you bleed out.

    The Ulvade shooter was a legal gun owner, in a state the pro-gun community claims a utopia. He had a history of death and rape threats but the pro-gun community staunchly opposed any kind of red flag laws. After the shooting, the pro-gun community was adamant that no laws should be changed, essentially saying “we were fine with this gun sale and we’ll be fine with the next”.

    All those words claiming “I’m not like other girls gun owners” and it turns out you’re exactly like them – a self absorbed, manipulative scumbag trying to pretend it’s part of some noble cause.

  • Yep. When someone inevitably looks through the voting history on these kinds of comments, I won’t be shocked if they find its 4 people and 50 sock puppets.

    I would be shocked if the gun lobby weren’t astroturfing though. They oppose red flag laws, take money from Russia and give tens of millions of dollars to the most revolting, far-right Republicans in the country. They’re hardly going to draw the line at lying on social media.

  • A decent chunk of gun owners would be willing to give up their weapons if it legitimately helped society substantially

    Those are not the views of the people who represent them, nor does it routinely turn up in dicussions about gun control.

    There’s also legitimate reasons to have a gun if you have a home in a high-crime area or are otherwise a target.

    If guns actually delivered on this promise, America wouldn’t have “high crime areas” in the first place. It would be the safest country in the world by a huge margin.

    Instead, the crime rate in the USA is functionally identical to other wealthy countries, only with a layer of gun violence on top that the rest of the world simply doesn’t have.

    Americas gun laws help far more criminals than they dissuade. Even in the rare cases where a criminal can’t just buy a gun from any store that sells them, “responsible gun owners” arm hundreds of thousands of criminals every year with their poorly secured firearms.

    Why would you lump those groups in with NRA lobbyists?

    If they don’t like being lumped in with lobbyists, reactionaries and idiots, they can take it up with them because I’m not going to include a 5 page “not all gun owners” disclaimer at the top of every post so that nobody gets their feelings hurt. This shit is killing people for fucks sake.