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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • I don’t mind about some minor cloth added, but it does kinda meh because perspectives. ( say for the bunny suit, if I can only pick one change to revert back I’d pick to remove extra cloth that covers more butt, not the cleavage part. Also once they release the PC version people are gonna mod it anyway unless they remain sony exclusive for extended period of time. )

    Yes, I’ve played HD2 but are kinda drifting away from it as I don’t see something more exciting or new. ST:E does require more team work and I like the new class variety as well. But it’s still very rough in current state, and not as “fun” for people that prefer casual hoard shooter. (cause you have to do all those “other” things on top of shooting the bugs. ) I do thing it’s heading into a good direction though, hope the devs keep pushing some boundaries.

  • Stellar Blade: It’s actually quite nice action play wise after I played the demo. And you get some eye candy + Nier style story plot I assume.

    Starship Troopers: Extermination: The new 0.7 update gives something interesting to play with multiple classes, and ways to bring weapon to different class. I am having fun with it even though the overall jank/bug/balance and issues. Grinding class unlock only take about maybe 7-10 matches depending on your class of choice and game mode. And support class are actually quite important, missions success or fail pretty much relies on the classes to do their job. I wish they have more maps and game mode + more bug types to come before I got bore with it again.

  • Yeah, they know they are doing though, they are aiming for those that work 9-5 have life and kids and some spare changes and milk them hard. Like this game would take 200 hours to complete fully with X hundreds of hours of post game content that was designed to make your grind, but you can also pay for this [xp booster, resource pack, legendary set, etc] to make sure you can enjoy the post game content if you don’t have the time to grind the game how it’s “meant to be played”.

    In my AC:Odessey example, I think at one point the designer might be doing a heavy zelda influenced where you just pick up stuff enemies dropped and the blacksmiths are there for you to repair items broken as resource dump. (which make sense and very fitting of that era and how resource would work) But once that MTX department put their finger in now you have a derailed system. There is a spread sheet that list the hours required to upgrade a legendary piece to which level, and recommended level to get them(as their starting level is fixed and not like the enemy droppped item that matches your level), I saw the numbers and downloaded the cheat engine table the next hour.

  • I got AC:Odyssey during one of the sale cause I dig Greek mythology, had to get cheat engine and spare me the grind for upgrading gears and ship. Like sure you can just keep picking up randomly dropped Epic/Rare and replacement them when you leveling up(there are even player quest that put in specific spot to give you resource for those upgrades, just so other players can farm it) But I ain’t get any time for that, I just cheat engine in max out resource and upgrade my Legendary gears I found through out the game. And you know what? By the end of the game(and I didn’t find every Legendary, like maybe 60~70% of them) it would take me setting the resource to max twice to fully upgrade all my legendary + epic(with perks I like) gears. It would take probably months of my gaming time should I got it on console and can not use cheat engine.

    No, upgrade gear is not required to finish the game. But after this experience I decides to never get another Ubisoft AC game nor any RPG on console or with always online feature(which means all transaction are done and authenticated to prevent cheating. ) I’ve done plenty open world, RPG, Monster Hunters without having to cheat. But the recent single player grinding + selling time saver booster pack make me whip out the cheat engine again. And I only cheat those stupid resource gating game that are designed to pad hours in to your play through.

  • Because FSR3 is really new, released Sep 2023. Even the games that actually can patch in FSR3 didn’t get to do it properly until Avatar nailed it and just earlier this month released another update to push it further. In short, AMD is working with devs to improve their plugin integration to various engine devs, and I don’t think 3.1 is the “end goal”.

    FSR 3’s result really depends on how developer understand and work with the proposed render pipeline compare to DLSS(which basically runs AI kernal to guess what pixel values to fill). Especially with games that features pip scope(fake UI scopes with on the fly fov changes are fine) or some translucent elements where it can not do the velocity buffer properly. (basically most of the fringeness on edge or flickering/swimming are mostly from precision, and ghosting are from wrong velocity when you see the old FSR artifacts).

  • cause commercial rental is a commitment, if you can’t find another company to take over your lease, chances are you have to pay the majority of left over amount + penalty + restoration. Licensor commitments are similar but probably on tech/software licensing, ie. server rentals, Maya/Speedtree licensing agreement for the site, whatever cloud service they use for backup and share stuff, etc. Those at bigger scale aren’t paid year to year like your regular indie studio just subscribe to Adobe/Autodesk for app uses per seat.

  • AND, didn’t actually wrapping up the story, for sequel sake.

    BG3 is so huge even if it’s only the beginning arc(Larian tends to taper off at the end, lol), I had to “replay” some decision making and see how outcome and the exp net gain and to decide how I proceed.(yep I save scum, don’t hate me I have limited time and want to explore content and choices to my desire outcome. Then my other play through I can be more free form, and I bet there are something I haven’t seen yet from this good guy talk things out approach.)

  • It’s really similar to traditional DnD RPG but with some extra quality of life built.

    • you no longer needs to press stat roll for hours to get the stat you want. It’s a bit more modernized but use the 5e rules(I am not familiar, just read it from others’ comment)
    • the opening(I am about 4~5 hours in early access content wise) and think the pace is actually quite good. party size is 4 instead of 6 in older games.
    • there could be more QoL change to the camera operation as currently there is only limited freedom when you operate the camera around. I understand that you can venture out of visible area(so you can’t peak into area you haven’t get close enough yet), but lack of free looking sometimes make navigation around tight corridor/cave area with multiple levels a bit tricky. (they can probably allow free look but use fog of war type to block/masking out intractable/enemies)
    • That said, even in the early area, there might be some glitches for events, how the game loading stuff, schedule tasks in weird order. ie. in one of the main sequence, it loads the map and play cinematic at same time, BUT, the map finish loading first and you see the “result” of the cinematic before it cuts in and started playing. So definitely don’t expect it to be bug free, especially with the scale mentioned in the press.
    • It’s probably gonna burn you quite a bit of time before you get comfortable with the system, I don’t know how far into the game to allow you respec the character( it was mentioned by larian to be a feature but didn’t know how it would be implemented), so you might play some hours and decide to restart if the respec feature is only available mid/late game to have a smoother run or challenge higher difficulty.
    • some of the keywords or system might be a bit confusing but fortunately there is wiki for BG3 already form years of early access.(which also mean it may or may not be out of date because of the patches)

    I think overall I can look past the short coming and enjoy the game so far, no annoying crash or very flow breaking stuff. You do need to save frequently cause the auto save spot could be far apart. Best to save before you run into group of dots on your map AND after you finish a bit fight + short resting. The reason for this is this game does have trigger zone and you can’t save during force triggered conversation/combat. If you forgot to rest it could put you into serious disadvantage(cause the high damage output spell or special skills are locked behind consumable points which only refresh after a long rest, and some events might be time relevant, so you have to weight your risk for proceed without rest and more rest but make your schedule tighter.(judging from a bit of search, it’s event related, if you trigger a start of event but then go do other stuff the event will resolve itself even if you did nothing and long rest.)

  • don’t pick those twitch reflex games, even shooters there are games that does not encourage 360 no scope cause they build in sway to punish quick movement and encourage you to gain position and flank enemy properly via communication.(so if you are under suppression fire your aiming/sway/visual gets so bad it makes no sense to return fire under the effect)

    Or, play rocket league cause that game doesn’t need twitch reflex. (source: I am 45yo)

  • gaming laptops are pretty much scam anyway, as person “once” fall for such scam.

    • they are really heavy, not really good with travel.
    • they are also power hungry, might be less than your actual tower rig, but significantly more than common “business laptop”
    • the battery won’t last with degradation where you constantly plug it in.( to gain the boosted frequency where you can play games at higher settings/frame rate)
    • your upgrade path is very limited and they won’t have the parts after like 2~3 years.(so anything broken you have to try find it on ebay/amazon/aliexpress)

    for portable gaming during travel, your best choice is consoles. So switch, steamdeck, heck, even PS4 slim is better than gaming laptop.(hopefully PS5 pro/slim is made into form for easier box/travel format.)

  • Well that’s Nintendo for you. I got disappointed by the Yoshi and Kirby going kindergarten level difficulty, so I haven’t buy any sequal on switch. It looks cute and have nice mechanism, and maybe some harder extra level that’s not required for completion dotted around. But it’s not enough, like even little big planet have more variety of difficulty than wiiu/switch Yoshi/Kirby. And LBP isn’t a hard game to begin with.

    Cute and hard game with proper progression is how you curate a new generation of players. Cause they ain’t playing gore flying hack-and-slash from 5yo.

  • That era or design is long gone. like even PS2/GameCube have firmware to let you change settings/manage memory cards without game disk. With the variety of hardware you can connect means you need to separate the software layer that talking to hardware’s from the game, thus the operating system. You can turn on GBA for example without a cartridge, but it would kinda just stuck. That’s like the last boot to game device I am aware of.